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Orange hair, now an orange suit.
Kygirl · FVIP
Why do you hate Trump? He's not your President. What has he ever done to you?

He's the best President that we've ever had I know in over two lifetimes and probably since the beginning of the early Presidents.

I know that I don't like your liberal PM. I see what he's doing to your country but he's your mess not ours. I know that God is getting ready to fry us all here in the US. The most that we can hope for is he will keep his headge of protection around us just a little bit longer. I for one hopes for the Rapture will take place before he rains hail fire and brimstone down on us but unfortunately I know that God is in charge and we're either under the Grace of God or his wraft. I'm very much afraid that we're going to be under his wraft. If the Rapture comes first all the Christrains will be out and gone.
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carpediem · 61-69, M
Democrats are terrible at making meme's.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
These are going to be hilarious in about 6 months.

Brought to you by the people that thought these were good ideas....

pdockal · 56-60, M

Is the top one ..... follow the red arrow to the hospital
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@pdockal It's Hillary Clinton's campaign sign from 2016. Yeah I heard that it looks like a sign for a hospital....also a plane flying through the twin towers...not well thought out.
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