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Premature E-jubulation

A condition impacting overly eager liberals whose enthusiasm climaxes prior to the erection, er, election.

Joe is out...Kamala is in. Easy peasy.

This, less than a month after the media reassured the public that Biden was fit and ready for a 2nd term, having won almost all of the primary delegates. Some are calling it a coup. Most of us knew Joe would get the hook.

And this same media that shoved Biden aside, is its collectivist pom-poms to convince the public Kamala is leading Trump in their fake polls. They might have forgotten to look at the data showing how much lower she's polling than Joe with young people, just 4 years ago.

Nevermind all that. Water under the bridge. We can trust the media, right? You know, the same group who pushed the Russia Russia Russia narrative. And the quid pro quo narrative. And who told us masks are effective and that you won't get covid if you get the jab. They also told us Biden got the most votes in history campaigning from his basement. They told us Trump is a traitor for taking declassified documents, of which a president is entitled, but turned around and gave a pass to the Joepedo who took them as a senator and a VP, of which he was not entitled. This is also the same media that denied Biden's dementia when it was obvious back in 2019, and kept pushing the "he's sharp as ever" lie until they couldn't anymore after the debate debacle last June. Oh...but we can trust the media this time. 🙄

In 2020, Kamala was so popular, she became the first primary candidate to drop out of the race with 2% of the vote. I read where someone wrote...yeah, she wasn't popular in 2020, but this is 2024. That's is 2024. And you have to ask...what have the democrats done to win over voters since? Was it the brilliant withdrawal from Afghanistan, that got 13 service member killed, that Biden said didn't happen on his watch? Is it the runaway inflation Biden lies about inheriting? Is it how the US went from being energy independent and a net exporter to reliant on foreign oil from countries that hate us? Is it how dems improved the economy by taking credit for the covid bounce back jobs...and then revising employment numbers everytime the following month? Perhaps it was reversing Trump's corporate tax cut on those greedy companies, who in turn, moved offshore again, costing US jobs? How about the green agenda that caused the auto industry to abandon manufacturing electric cars? Maybe it's the wonderful job they did letting in 10+ million illegal aliens and registering them to vote? (thanks border czar). Perhaps you loved how the US couldn't afford $10B for a wall to protect the southern border, but had no issue doling out $200B to protect Ukraine's border? How about relieving Iran of sanctions freeing up enough money for Hamas to start a war with Israel, costing us even more tax dollars? What about the lower crime rate that has actually skyrocketed simply due to defund the police and DAs that won't indict/prosecute criminals? Was it the woke agenda that caused the stock price of companies like Bud Light and Target to plummet? Maybe it was the toxic train derailment in East Palestine that no one in the gov't seemed to care about? Or was it the cargo ship that inexplicably lost control and plowed into the Francis Scott Key bridge, causing it to collapse? I'm sure I've missed some.

Nevermind Kamala's lack of popularity or the democrat's administrative failures...Trump is Hitler, plain and simple. The only thing the democrats actually do well is vilify the orange man. To the point where they were able to radicalize a pasty to try to assassinate him.

Since the Joe Biden diaper jokes were practically writing themselves, a change was necessary. The woman who is 50% Indian, 25% white and 25% black, is running on a narrative of becoming the first black, female president of the US. Huh...I thought we already did that.

Soon the bloom will be off the rose, and Kamala will have to answer for her record...which ain't much.

Her affair with a married, and much older Willie Brown will be a factor. It lends credence to her reputation for using sex in exchange to advance her political career. She won't be able to use the poor little girl who was bussed to school. She grew up privileged in Berkeley, CA. She was bussed just like millions of other kids, myself included... we simply took a bus to go to school. As the DA in California, she was responsible for excessive prison sentences handed down to black men for drug crimes, then turned around and admitted to smoking pot, and actually inhaling, on The Breakfast Club radio show. Then there is the czar of the southern border. Of course, the left will try to spin the border czar nickname as a GOP talking point...

She was given responsibility and totally ignored it. The full repercussions have yet to be felt. We see that the benefits earmarked for poor people and veterans have been reallocated to illegals. And we know that a lot of violent criminals, the mentally ill, terrorists and single, military age men have entered the country...we are sitting on a powder keg just waiting until the fuse is lit.

Like good little parrots, libs are repeating the narrative that Republicans are scared. The race card and misogyny card will be overplayed. Bet on it. But heed the words of Catturd...

TexChik · F
The Republican congress is trying to impeach her over her border disaster
@TexChik she deserves it...a total disgrace and the act of a traitor to their country.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@TexChik Unfortunately, the Republican congress couldn't agree on what toppings to put on the congressional pizza to save their lives.
nacnud · 31-35, M
To someone outside the US a concern is Trump is not much younger than Biden and will actually be older than Biden is now if he secures a second term. Both parties need younger candidates due to the demands the role brings. Harris being described as young at 60 emphasises the issue. My view is you want someone young enough to do the role but experienced enough to take on what the role requires so someone in their 40s or 50s.

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