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Black Lives Matter Demands DNC Host Immediate Primary To Protest ‘Anointing’ Of Kamala Harris

Daily Caller

[b][b]Black Lives Matter (BLM) urged the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to organize a nationwide virtual primary on Tuesday after Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly secured enough delegates for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Harris claimed early Tuesday morning that she had obtained enough support from DNC delegates to be voted the party’s presidential nominee, following President Joe Biden stepping down from the race and endorsing Harris. BLM, which exploded in prominence following the death of George Floyd in 2020, said in a statement that while President Joe Biden wasn’t their top choice as a candidate, they cannot overlook the concerning actions taken by the Democratic Party in not holding a new primary election after the president dropped out of the race.

“We call for the Rules Committee to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates,” BLM’s statement reads. “The current political landscape is unprecedented, with President Biden stepping aside in a manner never seen before. This moment calls for decisive action to protect the integrity of our democracy and the voices of Black voters.”
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Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
This BLM statement is contrived eyewash, to make independent voters think there are voices among the Democrats that are democratic, and that radical BLM doesn't want Kamala.

In actual fact, radical BLM is as happy as can be that far-left Kamala will be the candidate.
Slade · 56-60, M

Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

"Ye shall know the truth.
And the truth shall make ye nauseous."
Slade · 56-60, M

It sure does. But moonbat agony gives me a stiffy.

Assuming Trump is relected, I will open each day by checking the Twitters of Kurt Schlicter, James Woods and libs of tik tok. That way I can be sure it's a good day 👍
BLM surprised at the “ Kamala express” rush job?
Well their ( BLM’s interests / concerns ) or that of other voters who support or vote Democrat and want their
voices heard; damn sure aren’t a priority for the Kamala camp.
joe438 · 61-69, M
That seems fair actually.
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