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I Think The Tea Party People Are Idiots

When You Don't Just Don't Know!!!... The TeaParty Gang is just a bunch of self haters hating on President Barack Obama...PERIOD.  They don't have any positive suggestions, plans, or solutions.  If they did not have the Republican money backing them...they would have dissipated like a cloud long ago.

All they do is keep a horrible, stagnant, country killing negativity alive when our country truly needs to pull together on every level.  That means not just military...!  How about Socially, Economically, Financially, educationally, employmentally, and politically.

I cannot help it if your Tea Party lives are so horrible you cannot stand it.  But stop trying to rain on everyone Else's' parade.  Go home and fix your own little miserly lives and leave mine and rest of the contry's's life, alone.  You really have no idea about anything.  If you did you would just sit down and be quiet...for a very needed change.

You always put Jesus and our Creator in everything you say.  Well do us a favor and pick up a book or two(2) and read them...Please!!  Quit listening to what a preacher might say that is against everything in a Bible or even a world history book.  It states in Revelation's that if someone keeps HIS people in ignorance through misrepresentation...their church will brought down by every rock upon which it stands.  You better be careful Tea Party members because you really fit this 411 rap sheet.

Try some real self Love real soon before it is too late for you.  Now as long as there is life there is hope.  But you folks are running out of real estate very fast.  Do you not know that if you should win... the whole US will drop out of any real financial rating in the world, no other country will be able to hold any respect for us, and even the third world countries we have helped will be cutting off unbelievable ties with us.  Please wake up and smell whatever you are drinking... because it stinks higher than the highest tip of MT Everest, Heaven and the world.

We are tired of your prejudice ba<x>sed, power envy, unmitigated fear, unbalanced rhetoric, and non positive solutions regarding credit, employment, women's rights, medical coverage, and military ob<x>jectives.  Just sit down, please.  Let some real, solid ideas get to the table.  Stop all this race hating & life blocking.  Act your true age and not your shoe size for a change. 
Hugs, LW     and P.S. Nothing but Love For Ya..."Cause you sure aren't Loving yourselves or anyone else!!!
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only know for sure it is not only about what has been is about all the good work that has been stopped, allowed problems to get worse and held in a disaster mode by Ransom Politics and all fostered by the tp party.
Tell me about that... If you can. Because the Republicans are who you represent and that is the party that allowed our jobs to be stolen to become obs for overseas American Business.
President Regan deregulated the President Eisenhower regulations that stated American businesses could not take their business elsewhere in the world if they received their business start in the US and the new business could not take away American jobs. And, they would have huge fines if they did so. Regan and his political party deregulated jobs, airlines, mortgages and banks. The super rich Love him. And now it seems the tp folks are still not getting it... still???
Read a few books and quit trying to get people to answer silly questions. The truth of what happen to our nation, who let it happen, the whole story is right in Regan presidency...check the congressional records on his deregulation policies & congressional wins. You guys live by the Good Book, right??? It does say that Anti-Christ would come from the eternal sea(politics is the eternal sea). We are just like some people who keep saying Jesus Christ was never here...well the Anti Christ has already been & gone! Can you not see the full destruction of our well fought for country and the worlds economic destruction? Are you really that blind? Really?? Do you not know what happened to the Savings & Loan industry??? Do you not see all this bad weather, seasonal changes, tornadoes, hurricanes, black days and not know that because they way we treat the Earth, atmosphere and Earth beings that this is the source of the new Earth destruction. It is already written that we will bring on Earths' destruction ourselves. Do we really have to keep making the same mistakes?? Haven't you figured out that if everyone is not covered by society's' protection then no one is?? Or ever has been?? We have to look out for & protect each other has Humans...get it ??? Nothing else is more important. Hugs & Much Love, livingwell
i haven't embarrassed myself i said exactly the truth nothing else- no i don't believe that palin made clear what she meant about seeing russia and she should have had enough sense to know a little bit of how to deal with the media

and palin was INCORRECT when she said paul revere road to warn the british so knows any child who passed 3rd grade history

and there is a reason drilling is not allowed in the areas you mentioned because it is NOT SAFE and too the oil gotten from the drillling apparently wanted by bockman will last for a while but them what then gas goes to 10.00 a gallon because we have to buy all of it from forgien countries, have no focus on green energy thanks to the tea party

you blast my spelling when i mentioned the tea party member who confused where the shot heard round the world took place and ignore someone got that WRONG

you claim not to undserstand what i mean when i say these people so inacuate in their knowledge of history are the same ones callenging the constitutioality of staple gov. programs

social security that was upheld by the supreme court in 1937 funny it hasn't had to be revisited until the tea party came along

and how do you expect familes freinds and neighbors to take care of the old and such when they can't take care of themselves

as it is now the sandwich generation is gowing broke not to mention crazy trying to raise their family and take care of ailing parents some who wouldn't be able to do so without the medicare that pays a portion of the doctor and medication bills

what about people with no family, who have outlived all their freinds, and their neighbors can't take them in are we supposed to just leave them to die??

what about disabled people should we go back to aborting them as babies institutiinalizing them ironically on taxpayer dimes as well or should they get SSI and medicaid medicare to function independently at a lesser cost

how bout people rendered incapable of working any longer by 30 40 years in manual labor we should what shoot them instead?
williemcd's time I addressed your lame-butt rant. I'll do it step by step.. Consider yourself honored as I don't usually take the effort to address such mindless dribble as yours... (Note.. if your going to post something like what you did you must be prepared to take the rebuttal)..

"The TeaParty Gang is just a bunch of self haters hating on President Barack Obama...PERIOD. They don't have any positive suggestions, plans, or solutions. If they did not have the Republican money backing them...they would have dissipated like a cloud long ago."

What about the Ryan plan or the Cut Cap and Balance plans?.. Dem controlled Senate hasn't even OFFERED a budget in what is now approaching 450 days... contrary to Constitution law!

The TEA Party is not supported by the GOP.. so if you think so.. please please show me the source that gives you assurance of that rather than listening to the rants of a far left tv/radio show...Please!....(Me thinks it be yet another ba<x>seless rant)...

All they do is keep a horrible, stagnant, country killing negativity alive when our country truly needs to pull together on every level. That means not just military...! How about Socially, Economically, Financially, educationally, employmentally, and politically.

So we assemble/.... peacefully...get attacked by SEIU and other union organizations..And our sole chant is to 1. Stop spending more than you make, 2. Stop this insane growth of government. 3. Respect the tenets of our Constitution... 4. Allow free markets.. and 5... Respect each other... Terrorist tendicies hey?
I cannot help it if your Tea Party lives are so horrible you cannot stand it. But stop trying to rain on everyone Else's' parade. Go home and fix your own little miserly lives and leave mine and rest of the contry's's life, alone. You really have no idea about anything. If you did you would just sit down and be quiet...for a very needed change.

There was a generation that sat down and was quiet..While it was in Europe.. it happened.. I'll do everything within my soul to ensure it does not happen here.. UNDERSTAND?.....

You always put Jesus and our Creator in everything you say. Well do us a favor and pick up a book or two(2) and read them...Please!! Quit listening to what a preacher might say that is against everything in a Bible or even a world history book. It states in Revelation's that if someone keeps HIS people in ignorance through misrepresentation...their church will brought down by every rock upon which it stands. You better be careful Tea Party members because you really fit this 411 rap sheet.

Sugar... The prior passage was / is most telling.. I read every day.. search out the truth.. and what I see coming from you is passive acceptance of what you're fed...And you my dear is the one that is being kept in ignorance through misrepresentation.. for that I will say a prayer for you tonight...

Try some real self Love real soon before it is too late for you. Now as long as there is life there is hope. But you folks are running out of real estate very fast. Do you not know that if you should win... the whole US will drop out of any real financial rating in the world, no other country will be able to hold any respect for us, and even the third world countries we have helped will be cutting off unbelievable ties with us. Please wake up and smell whatever you are drinking... because it stinks higher than the highest tip of MT Everest, Heaven and the world.

And this current administration has now taken us to a low that we've never ever experienced... Oh.. it's George W. Bush's fault.. WHEN THE HELL IS OBAMA going to take a manly approach and say "I messed up, I'm Sorry, I;ll Change".. Won't happen.. Oh.. we did give him a mulligan of over a TRILLION dollars to fix his inheritance!..

We are tired of your prejudice ba<x>sed, power envy, unmitigated fear, unbalanced rhetoric, and non positive solutions regarding credit, employment, women's rights, medical coverage, and military ob<x>jectives. Just sit down, please. Let some real, solid ideas get to the table. Stop all this race hating & life blocking. Act your true age and not your shoe size for a change.
Hugs, LW and P.S. Nothing but Love For Ya..."Cause you sure aren't Loving yourselves or anyone else!!!

Unbalanced Rhetoric:... Maxine Waters:
Sheet.. I've given ya enough fertile soil to allow your brain cells to flourish... Take it and grow or reject it and put your head in the sand... Bill in Va.
well if you look at tea party foavorites like sara palin saying she couls see russia from her alask livingroom

machelle bockam claiming the shot heard round the world i.e that started the relolutionary war was in new hapshire not massitusittes

whichever one of them who said that paul reveares ride was to warn the brittish rather than to warn the american settlers the british were coming

these are the same people talking about the uncostituionality of gov. programs, saying they can get gas under $2 a gallon

now accrding to the news and educational studies students aren't much better at history missunderstanding the korean war one mentioned

failing to know what gov. document governed all the laws (the constitution)

but the difference between said students and the political cadidates is A- not much time is spent discussing the korean war if any at all other than what it was about because it is covered in a history class covering 19 something to the present and current events take priority and B- i could care what some kid who is going to be doing my taxes, designing my computer, doing my plubing, costuction work DIDN'T learn in history class

but these are political cadidates supposedly educated before the "downfall" of american ed. supposedly in the hayday when it worked so well for whim history is a part of their job and something they need to do it well
oh yes they have ideas drilling that will make the plnet unihabitable to get 2.00 a gallon gas

turning medicare into a voucher program leaving current 40 and 50 somethings in a lurch ddenying them what they paid into for years, creating more senoiors dumpster diving and eating cat or dog food

causing the credit downgrade by bikering with congress instead of getting the job done making credit agencies doubt the ability of washoington includinbg the tea party to get things done

keeping taxbreaks for bill gates and warren buffet (the latter who says himself gov. should raise his taxes to at least the 30% his secratary pays), subsudues to oil companies while states education is being gutted states have less fire police and so forth

but the tea party says no new taxes on anyone even the wealthy

oh and lets defund the department of education instead letting the states decide so that an A in one place = C in another so students going off to college are less prepaired because of the lack of consistancy lesta make it worse not better

we're headed for the 1900's no safty nets no regulations and a lot of mamed and desparate people
to williemcd...the truth really hurts doesn't it. If you don't know...then you just don't know!!! I can tell ou really do not get it. But we already know what your problem is. Every time you try to talk with big kids you fail out.
You have to go step by step,use your profane words, and try to make other people feel bad because you are no prize. Youwant to know how I know?? just the way you talk to people you have never seen face to face. The things you try to make true just because of your sorry and tired insults...with no proof. You argue an opinion like a crazed person. Well it is the way I see it, it is the real truth, nothing but the ain't ain't over!!! Laugh..Laugh..Laugh..Belly Laugh..Belly Laugh..Ha! Ha! YAY!! YAY!! YAY!! Go read a book..Palin is one cares about her except the failing Republicans. And they have walked & stomped on & down the silent majority in this country...the police, firemen, teachers, and government regulars. No one wants them around anymore.
That silent majority is not race but CLASS & Money. Class stuggles are what caused the French Revolution, England - to take the ruling of their country out of the rule of their royalty, the Russian Eevolution - a take over from royalty. In America-Oh let the silent majority keep lossing ground & money over Repubilican power issues. You know the (2cd & 3rd class people) Doctors, Lawyers, teachers, police, firemen, unions and government regulars. They will fight back and no Tea Party crazies will stop them. Have a delightful day! Hugs, LW
I've not a single clue as to why I'm going to take the time to dissect your post and tear it into shreds... it seems all on this thread of a liberal leaning do not wanna know the truth.. don't want to confront facts.. but hey.. Shits and grins hey?

but its true palin said the living room, portch whatever the f*ck comment FIRST

HERE IS THE TRANsc<x>ript OF HER INTERVIEW WITH CHARLES GIBSON: "The Alaska-Russia controversy erupted in 2008 when ABC's Charlie Gibson asked Palin, "What insight into Russian actions particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of this state give you?"
Palin said: "They're our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska."" (OOPS..that was fromthe HuffPoo!)...

Or how about an UNEDITED Video of good ol Charlie and Sarah:...

along with the bus tour comment about paul revere

Here is an interview on NPR!.. Sarah was right!...

and ok lets say she did say you can see russia from land in alaska and thats true ( i would need an atlas to know for sure)


she DIDN"T make that CLEAR ! she maybe shouldn't have said it since this is the meadia we're dealing with and didn't add anything to the conversation she was having
Both the media outlets I've referenced: Charlie and NPR are decidedly liberal in their views.. no problem with that.. That's why one is soon to be history and the other has to be subsidized by taxpayer dollars.. and that too is under scrutiny...

it doesn't change michelle bockmans comments about $2.00 gas if she becomes president
the only possible way she could do that is drill all the oil on US shores and judging by the BP oil spill thats not SAFE not to mentoin some of the oil is in an alaskan wildlife presurve i think somekind of wildlife presreve at any rate

BP oil spill... Shoot I could yak for a month on that!.. 1.. Why are we drilling at 5,000 feet beneath the ocean surface?.. Because bleeding heart liberals won't allow drilling closer inshore at 50 feet!...Check out California's latest restrictions.. ANWAR... (that site you reference later).. could be drilled on dry land!...Oh.. and we've shut down an entire industry because a FOREIGN country screwed up.. Oh again!.. China is soon to start drilling off our coast in the Gulf of Mexico... Again......Obama telling Brazil that the US will be their best customer... after loaning them 8 billion dollars to drill in waters 60% deeper than the Horizon drilling operation!......
Oh.. We have OSHA, EPA and a host of agencies overseeing all of our operations.. Ya think China or Brazil has a comparative oversight?.. Wake up and smell the coffee..

it doesn't change that macelle bockam or was it sharon angle i don't remember for sure which of the tea party women said that the shot heard round the worl was in new hapshire not Massitusits


again the same people soooo fuzzy on their history challeging the constitutionality of staples to american function

if social security and medicaire medicaid aren't THEN THEY SHOULD BE as a matter of human decency and treating citizendry well

I suggest you then run for office and get the grass roots movement behind a Constitutional Amendment... Until then, those programs are not under the direction of the Federal Government. In golden times, neighbors and friends and family took care of each other... Perhaps a turn to times like that would benefit us all..... Bill in Va.
p.s. Before a flame retort.. do some research to refute my statements rather than embarrassing yourself once again. Bill Still in Va.
It really matters not exactly what Palin said about seeing Russia from AK ---the reason it was jumped on as a stupid reply is because the question was what foreign policy ideas or thoughts did she have about Russia --- Hell I can see the moon from my house --does that make me a moon expert otr explorer?
I see their problem --- or one of them --- as being that they've been so financially comfortable all their lives that they don't know what struggle is. they've had it all so smooth and cushy that they want to KEEP it that way, and they don't want taxes making them take care of people who DO have struggle and hardship. I always love it when you rail against the right wing.
Mailmanshadow...Thank You so much..that really sounds like tp.
Tulick, I am Thanking you for the sense and facts in your statements.
(Just so you know the other parts of my comments were not directed at you...)
Much Love & Hugs, livingwell
YAY!! YAAAY!!! Thank you, all of you positive non-tp folkes. I knew there were sensible, rational, intelligent people who actually read, listen and comprehend the real deal out here right now. And it is you guys!!!
Thank you...M uch Love & Hugs, LW
Hey Willie... 500 bucks says that even though we pointed out what REALLY happened with the seeing Russia thing... in the next thread where Palin comes up... she'll stick to the liberal mis-information and still say that Palin said she can see Russia from her living room.
and its not just what palin said or mechelle bockman or any of the tea party people's strange comments, not to be confused with revolutionary ideas

its that they have any kind of political life after saying the kinds of things that they do
watch the video in the story'interesting video'

Please let me know what you think thru either one of my stories or a private message or white board post.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Be at peace
I love the way you put whats on your mind on paper. I wish i could speak my mind like you. I'm really hopinv and praying and oh yes voting for president Obama and i hope more people see throuvh romneys cover-up and don't make a terrible mistake. and you know what else. if you saw the debates you know just like i do who we need in ghe white house. To h--l with the tea party. they do nothing but blow hot air. thanks for you opinion it is appreciated. Tabi.
CheekyGeek, I Love you and your kind. It is alright to say you don't like something. But...if you do not have something positive to help the situation, don't block positive progress, PLEASE! Hugs, LW
YAY!! Tulick,

You are so right! Some people do not know when to go home already. All they know is insults, profane words & thoughts, and hate. They don't even know why no one really can respect their info ...on any level!
My hats off to YA!! Tulick. Hugs & Much Love, LW
as i said its not the only reson mechell bockman who thinks a pres. she could get gas under $2.00 a gallon

who said things were better under slavery as there were more 2 parent homes

and i notice you have nothing to say about the palin bus tour comment
well the other thing is too the consittution question was so badly worded and asked i wasn't sure which document they were talking about and i got A-s in history
Well very few of them seem to have taken advantage of the so called good education...Thank you for your info and your comments, too.
Moran.. here is an interview by NPR with a historian that supports Palin's position on the Revere ride.. You'll not click on it.. you'll not read it .. you'll become insignificant...
Bill in Va.
They should all look up the charlie gibson interview too where she said you could see Russia from LAND. Not her house or living room.
Thats is right. We are here, we pay attention, we think for ourselves, and most importantly WE VOTE!!
Thanks for your comment, tulick. I really back up that statement...bigtime!
Hugs. livingwell
i don't remember being asked a question i remember a lot of insults about me being on drugs or booze i remember a lot of suggestions about my spelling grammar and typing but not questions
Well I really like this...keep talking...maybe real sense and not ego will prevail!! Hugs, LW
you my friend have gone off the deep end. Bill in Va.
p.s. For the rest of you in this thread?... take this dude aside and help him.. Bill Still in Va.
like i said i know i have people when all they can comment on is my spelling grammar and TYPING
You didn't say anything about seeing Russia from AK.

So, I take it you agree with her now?
And whats hilarious is you are commenting in a story titled... When you don't know... you just don't know.


The title applies...
Ohhhh......So that is what happen to Our country......Will it get better when we no longer have Obama trying to upstage the truth......
I Never said i was a member of the tea party or any political party or are you another incapable or READING

the author provided a link to what she talked about or are you so technologically backwards you don't know how to copy and paste a url

and sara palins gaffs are well known along with michelle bokmans comments if you watch your typical ABC NBC and CBS national news and stop getting all your info from fox news and glen beck
2lick.. I'm sorry I forgot to include the "you can see russia from land in Alaska" links.. how many ya want?.. I've come to realize you are a bit challenged with your research capability so I'll do your homework for you: 2.4 miles separate Russia and Alaska...

2Lick.. go find a white handkerchief and wave the white flag... Bill in Va.
Isharedmine exactly it did not answer the question, as i said did not contribute to the conversation

and you are also correct about the new deal we need something like that now to stimulate job growth, bring down unemployment and betrer peoples lives now

whats in the way republicans influnced by tea party nonsense saying no new taxes even on wealthy people

and that guy is an embarassment to the tea party itself along with several other things
i know i have people when all they can talk about is my spelling grammar and typing instead of the issues and i'm not on drugs and don't touch booze
I don't quite agree with RX thing, tulick. Some of those people really have problems...williemcd is the problem! Much Love, LW
my point about meds was a joke since whoever that hillbilly is said i should lay off the booze or the drugs

then said maybe i should be on meds
As I have stated elsewhere, the tp wants to develop a new world low. A fourth world country called the United States of the Tea party .
i don't need any help i'm doing just fine on my own
Tulick is a plant to try and undermine the stance of the TEA Party.. We knew this tactic was on the uber-liberal play book.. In fact it was publicized last year!... This comical attempt to pose as a responsible citizen of the TEA Party movement just tells us we are having an impact..
And LW?.. Ya rant but don't provide any specific statements!.. Once again, I'll offer up a homily that would bode well for you:,,,"Tis far better to be thought the fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt".. My advice to you would be to do some reseach.. present some fact, present some credible sources before once again convincing others that you really are an IDIOT!... Bill in Va.
its cool i just didn't want you to think i walk on water or something or that i don't have a mouth like a sailor because i do
refuted- bubba your being ignored because no one sees the value in the ill educated things you are saying and the hate you are more guilty of than any of us

most don't hate the tea party rather we don't want themw running the country
Regardless of who said it, isn't the "I can see Russia from my porch" thing getting kind of old, especially when that is every Liberal's never ending theme song???
well someone is off his medication
the tp and its biggest supporter, williecvd, are all brain dead sheep following a leaderless party. There are so many different factions claiming to be tp that they do not even have a united front.It does not matter much as in the next election, when people remember who got the countrys credit downgraded, then the tiny people will be over.
AMEN!! and Good riddance!!
don't go over board now and i have a potty mouth when pissed off

but its true palin said the living room, portch whatever the f*ck comment FIRST

along with the bus tour comment about paul revere

and ok lets say she did say you can see russia from land in alaska and thats true ( i would need an atlas to know for sure)

she DIDN"T make that CLEAR ! she maybe shouldn't have said it since this is the meadia we're dealing with and didn't add anything to the conversation she was having

it doesn't change michelle bockmans comments about $2.00 gas if she becomes president
the only possible way she could do that is drill all the oil on US shores and judging by the BP oil spill thats not SAFE not to mentoin some of the oil is in an alaskan wildlife presurve i think somekind of wildlife presreve at any rate

it doesn't change that macelle bockam or was it sharon angle i don't remember for sure which of the tea party women said that the shot heard round the worl was in new hapshire not Massitusits

again the same people soooo fuzzy on their history challeging the constitutionality of staples to american function

if social security and medicaire medicaid aren't THEN THEY SHOULD BE as a matter of human decency and treating citizendry well

if the department of education isn't it should be when everyone is clamoring for national standars meant to better our education system help kids suceed
actually Willi --- I would venture to say you are an embarrassment to several people --most likely your parents , if they are stll alive , they would have been thru the 30's and seen what benifits the new deal gave the country which you and your ilk would completely destroy --also to the Dr. who delivered you --bet he regrets it now.
Bah Bah Bah..................another republican sheep on the way.Lets see, a deeper hole the tea party put us in before he got in office. Who remover banking regulations? the republicans .Economy is doing better now than 4 years ago even tho republicans have stalled congress every step of the way for 4 years.He has deported more illigals then his predisessor.he is not muslim as his WHITE grandparents raised him.

As usual the right wing is trying to make up their own history, and they do not let FACTS get in their way. They have been running ads with proven lies in them.How close is the election and roomney does not even have 1 plan .Hiw whole thing is elect me and then I will let you know what I plan to do.

Have fun in a roomney America, if he gets elected I am leaving the country I fought 7 and a half years defending because the America I fought for will be gone.
Not you! And he his on more than meds, tulick. Do not allow that scat-brain to influence anything... He isJust too profance in everyway for me.

There is nothing to be gained by speaking with williecmd. You can try but I have so many better, Loving, intelligent things to do. I am thru taking out the GARBAGE. Unless you or someone else starts commenting ..I'm done with williemcd, okay?! Later..Hugs & Love, LW
The tea party is little more then a Hate movement. They thrive by using the hate and bigotry of lesser minded individuals seeking to validate their twisted "morality" By getting in the way of real progress Just so they can point their fat fingers and say "see we are right" By the time they realize they are nothing more then pawns tp will stand for toilet paper.
Moron.. here is the interview clip with Gibson which SNL took and did a satire "..GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?
PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."
And that's from the Huffpo!... LOL...

You Moran are getting way too easy!.. (in case ya don't recognize satire.. the typo was intentional)... Dude.. do ya really wanna come to a gun-fight carrying a squirt gun?.. Bill in Va.

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