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I Know Tea Party Succeeded In Lowering Americas Credit Score

Republicans Sent Mr. Bernanke The Threatening Economy Letter... Wow What Nerve!!!...
This was in the news the last 2 weeks of September. The Republican leadership in our government sent a letter to him, peronally!   They told him not to help the economy or else he would find no support when they take over the White House.  They said point not Help Obama and if you do you we will cut off all your politcal help with the economy once we are in office.

No one is talking about this either....  The Tea Party and the Republicans are tearing this country down to the absolute ground...and their people are suffering more than nmost.  Most Brown people know how to live thru recessions & depressions.  When times get bad we are used to these types of living problems...most of the time.  But when you have these two groups just trying to hurt the economy just because a Black MAN is president and no other reason????  It is totally sick, disheartening, and full of the worst in human behavior.  They are sinking lower down than bottom...

It is time for America and Americans to wake up...PLEASE!!!!  Why ...if these groups say they Love AMERICA SO MUCH...WHY WOULD THEY TEAR IT  UP FROM THE FLOOR UP???  Just to fulfill their prejudiced fury!!!  This makes no sense to anyone going thru the economy of  this un-ecessary power play.  Most Americans can not afford to ever let them back in the gate again!  They just keep cutting off the hands that feed them.

Scores of White people died in front of Automotive & Steel Plants, bakeriers, meat packing plants, clothing factories, etc., in this country for an 8 hour day, 5 day work week, and collective bargaing in the 1940's, everyone else in the 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's.  In one fatal swoop the Republican Party is trying to hinish the job President Ronald R started.  The  plans that deregulated everything in America including job protections &  safety, rules and regulations for banking, savings & loan companies, airlines, and nortgage companies and the whole American way of life. Deregulation only helped the rich...  Tea Party rabble don't even see what most Americans know.  The Ronald R party sold out the  middle class American jobs, homes and futures.  They were flushed right down the drain ...CAN you say overseas trade and new American business???? ARE You still looking for the Anti-Christ???  OOOPS... he and hisdisciples have already been here and gone.  And you did not even know it...did you!???

Stop being complete fools America... Stand UP and put back in place what we have been swindled out of by the Repubilcan Party and their henchmen ...the tp's or tea party rable rousers. These people are not for the poor, the sick, the masses that are in eoconomic need, good healthcare , GOOD EDUCATION, FAIR LAWS FOR EVERYONE INCLUDING WALL STREET. Let us get back that which givesbacl to everyone, okay???

     1.  Give back to Buinesses that Keep American Jobs in America.
     2.  Penalize and Tax - Busihesses that take American jobs overseas.
     3.  BACK-UP all efforts by either party to put America where she should be in the world.

And, know this.  The world is getting tired of our rabble rousing when they have backed our ideas and economic plans with their own economies and people.  The world takes our lead...  But will not continue to do so if we keep this hollier than thou attitude with everyone else but not ourselves.  You cannot keep walking into other peoples countries talking about keep America safe when yyou cannot even save your own economy without prejudices, jealousies, and everyother type of shortcoming, coming to the surface. 


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What is your source for this? At no time was Bernanke told "do not help the economy" as you or your source has phrased it. And it wasn't Reagan that gave the bank a free hand, it was Clinton. That's he had their full support for re-election and backed Hillary. All the rules the rescinded were the ones that allowed the financial institutions to sell each other's products. And that's what brought down the economy. Mortgage companies were following Federal guidelines for giving loans to people that weren't qualified - a product of the Carter administration that Reagan tried to cut. When Clinton removed the rules, the financial industry began passing around worthless paper, propped up by money from the Fed.
Bernanke is just a puppet for the Wall Street crowd that has backroom controls on both Dems and Republicans.
In it's heyday, the USSR had a department for dis-information. Our federal gov't has gotten very good at the same thing. Their ally is the media - the media that's owned and controlled by the same people on Wall street that control the Fed, both major parties, the Military-Industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about, Big Pharma, which is responsible for the health care crisis in this country, and the petro-chemical complex, who are responsible for much or the health problems to begin with.
Pointing your finger at a figurehead like Bush or BHO is useless. They're in highly visible places, but are just glitzy pawns in reality.
Please...Read a newspaper or listen to the news. This is where I got it from. It was on every TV network...except Fox! And it was on 8 satelite stations. Clinton did not deregulate anything. RR did. Do not try to tell a true gongressional historian about who did what...I have in black & white congressional history. And I watched hhim do it. I f you Love the right wingers go back to them. I speak the truth, the whole truth nothing but the truth. RR stoped everyone in this country from making money but the rich!!!
Clinton only did what the laws were at the time...and...he was not trying to buck the republicans. If the Loved him so much why did they get the worst ratings in history trying to get rid of him. The whole country shot them down.
We are not going into the dark without a fight in this country. We poor and the working class built this country...the rich just manipulated. They could careless. If this country fails they are just going to leave like they always leave every country they rape.
RR setup the jobs to leave as soon as he had his congress get rid of the rules set-up by Eisenhower. The rich have been raping the country ever since RR. There is even a letter written by a CEO sent to all the largest banks in America...calling the people of America dumb peasants...and that if Americans ever found out what the rich were doing...they would tar & feather them out of the country. Go get some Love and Real info, please??? Gotta go!
Hugs & Much Love, LW
you mean fixed news? where Billo the clown does his spew?
Itsno surprise, when President Obama was elected. the rupublicans said we do anything to get him out of office. That included voting no on every proposed bill that would create jobs, including there pay. Once they voted no, they also voted no on getting paid lol.

They sat there and said "what did we just do?"
You are so right about that... Because as the World War ll Jews said about the Germans rounding them-up...Be very careful about not speaking out about injustice...because when you don't...when they come for you and your group who will be left to fight???
Blessings And Huhs, LW
We have got to start doing and stop sitting around waiting for politicians to do the work. Get it started in you city or state! Make a phone call...get your church or group or fellow workers to make phone calls, write letters, do emails.

Do you know why the nuts stay in power??? The people with good sense will not get off their rumps and fight the good fight for themselves or anyone else. You want to know why our values change so drastically...because no one worked to keep the values that were worth keeping. Hugs, LW
I fully endorse this post............ sorry I didn't see it sooner...........
I have been saying for quite some time that they are only interested in tearing this country...............
Look at the damage Bush junior did to America.

But it isn't just about not having a black man as president because this began before Obama declared his intentions.

The full truth of the matter is the ultra rich want us all destroyed........... not all of them but many of them................
They want to reinstate slavery........... and this time it will be the poor and middle class of all colors

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