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Who are these kids that love Luigi Mangioni ?

We know they are all Democrats, but what goes through the heads of these kids that
thinks it's OK to murder people? Is this part of the manifesto that kids are learning?
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SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I know you really wanted to virtue signal so I hate having to crush your delusion that it's mostly Democrats but it's not true sorry 😐

A third told Shapiro, "Just because 'the left' likes something doesn't mean you have to instinctively hate it. Wake up and read the room bro."

There were also comments poking fun at the fact that Shapiro's view on the recent news was enough to unite Americans at a time of political polarization.

"Imagine being so blatantly in the wrong that you manage to unite two opposing ends of the political spectrum during one the most divided periods in recent memory," one comment read

Multiple users on YouTube told Shapiro they were unsubscribing from his channel over the video, telling him to "Find another audience to play apologist to the people who help make the lives of hard working Americans difficult."

"I'm a Republican. I voted for Trump. I am unsubscribing from Ben. They not like us," one wrote in the comments.

At least three users expressed to Walsh that even though they agree with a lot of his opinions, he was "dead wrong on this one."

"Everyone is angry at the these insurance companies," one person commented. "If you've never lost someone or been plunged into debt because of them, you can't possibly understand. It's despicable what they get away with. I don't wish death on them but I'll bet you good money, that man probably lost someone he loved because of united healthcares denial policies."

"Republican pundits don't realize this isn't as politically partisan as they wished it were. We all hate our health care system. We may not advocate for murder, but sympathy for CEOs of these organizations is at an all time low, regardless of R or D," another wrote.
JohnOlinger81 · 41-45, M
@SatanBurger so Lugui is A Trump supporter lol i love how some assume hes a democrat😂
DogMan · 61-69, M
@JohnOlinger81 So he is a Trump supporter?, but only Democrats support him.

Something is not right.

His best friend says he has both left wing views and right wing views.

“He was left-wing on some things and right-wing on others,” Bhogal said. He recalls Mangione mentioning he was a champion of equality but opposed to DEI, wokeness, and identity politics.

Why does the left love this guy again? Oh yeah, because he loves AOC
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@JohnOlinger81 No I don't know what Luigi is, the argument the OP made stated that all Democrats everywhere praise this person. But actually there's numerous conservatives that do that too. So that's the point. You can go under conservative videos talking about Luigi and you'll hear support, it's pretty even.

I'm not sure what the conservatives of this post are saying, they seem to be all over the place with a million different points they seem to want to make but not really making any one main point so I won't bother with that.

Bottom line to stay on track, there's been both political parties, it's not just Democrats.
DogMan · 61-69, M
I want to thank all the lefties here for proving my point. We know who you are.
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
@DogMan Welcome
while i didnt shed any tears over that dude he killed, lets make no mistake, Mangione came from a very wealthy family and born with a silver spoon in his mouth. typical rich kid who has benefitted from money his whole life and now he has decided its bad.
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
Yes, it’s part of the manifesto they’re learning. It’s right after third period Dialectical Materialism class. 🙄
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Loads upon loads of conservatives love him too.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Thrust Luigi should have lived in a cabin like the Unibomber, and wrote off all
the trappings of our consumer driven nation, instead of living the life of a rich
white kid that he hated.
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Thrust · 56-60, M

Hopefully he'll come to the same fate. Albeit much quicker
DogMan · 61-69, M
Mangiones biggest hero is none other than AOC. What a shocker!
AbbeyRhode · F
It is. They are programmed to violently hate anyone who disagrees with the Democrat agenda, and to cause, or at least celebrate, the complete destruction of those people.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@AbbeyRhode It's not totally their fault. Democrats and the MSM have been beating
hate into them for years. It's sad really, that they are so weak minded and susceptible.
AbbeyRhode · F
@DogMan It is sad. I know some otherwise good people who fell prey to Democrat brainwashing. I pray that they will wake up and see the truth.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@AbbeyRhode Maybe they will one day visit the Fake News wing of the Trump
presidential library, and be enlightened. 😉
It's not okay to kill people actively nor it's okay to kill people passively
DogMan · 61-69, M
@greensnacks I have worked full time for the past 50 years, I can afford my healthcare,
as I make a lot of money. Do I like paying as much as I do? NO!
@DogMan how good for you. Too bad not everyone is as privileged
@DogMan says
People don't profit from people dying.
If an insurance company delays authorizing expensive legitimate care, the patient dies and the demand for expensive care disappears!! Surely that's not too hard for you to understand!!!

@DogMan says
his horrible attack was by Antifa, and BLM
And yet the reich-wing refused to investigate!!

They're not kids, they're CPAC😂🤣😝😂🤣

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DogMan · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues Come on, be original, stop copying me.

By Domestic terrorists, you mean parents that care about what their children
are taught in schools. You got that from the FBI, and the MSM.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@basilfawlty89 No one owes you healthcare. If you don't like it, don't buy it.

Oh wait, Obamacare forces you to buy it, or penalizes you. Talk to Obama dufuss.

If you can't afford healthcare, work harder,
or move to another country. It's called free choice.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@DogMan There's a woman being billed for 1,000 dollars a month for diabetes care for her child. And that's only a half dose, her child didn't really have anything that requires special care, the insurance didn't cover it.

How does one work harder when rent for a house is around 1,900 at its lowest to 3,000 monthly. Food maybe around 300 monthly, gas depends if you have a truck, SUV or small car. Then if you have small children to pay for that kind of medication, let alone for the children born with those things.

Yes, I'm very interested in how one works harder, please let me know.
DogMan · 61-69, M
Apparently the Leftwing gals that shaved their heads, and stopped having sex,
now want to have sex with Luigi.
JohnOlinger81 · 41-45, M
@DogMan well he has groupies now on Social Media who find him hot lol🤣
I'm going to say it in a way that I hope so very much that you all understand my theory. I am starting to think these shootings are orchestrated by the left, using old CIA techniques under a 50's to 70's era program called MK Ultra, which brainwashed unsuspecting people into becoming what are called Manchurian, essentially "sleepers" that are triggered in one way or another to mindlessly carry out orders to unalive others. They used lsd in the program during those years and subjected them to mind control methods, I now strongly believe the left is still doing that program with today's youths, using ritalin and adderall as their lsd as both of those substances zombify their users, subjecting them to mind manipulation, and using violent video games and "entertainment" as their means to manipulate. Think about it, why is the left so obsessed with guns, YET they don't say a thing about violent movies, music, or tv? In fact most of those mediums are in fact produced by leftist Hollywood, and why are the mass shooters always the school losers?

The left is doing this deliberately to enrage the public in order to demand confiscation, why? Because firearms stand in the way of them taking total control of the people, they want to finish their vision of the marxist communist utopia they were trying to create in the 60's and 70's when they were only the counter culture. But as Jane Fonda's ex husband, Tom Hayden showed them, to "beat the Man, they have to become the Man." and entered politics, the counter culture soon became the establishment as we know it today.

Also, since the 40th anniversary reprinting of Dr. Spock's "Dare to Discipline" parenting book in 1986, originally published in 1946, essentially pretty much became a basis for it's mantra of "spanking destroys creativity"; all forms of discipline has become near outlawed, verging on all kinds accused of being abusive. Because of this the Millennial, Generation Z, and now Generation Alpha, the three youngest generations, which were also taught that respect of Elders was stupid, lost all manners and became disrespectful of others, their lack of proper discipline and guidance creating in them a sense of entitlement in which violent behaviors also became common in them, making it easier for those maniputating them to act.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
They're communists. You know, like Nazis with better PR. They're kInd of all about murder. Most idolize the Soviet Union.
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ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
[image/video deleted]
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