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Our Children are being radicalized to hate America

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Times of India
Eric Adams: New York Mayor Eric Adams raises concerns after …
5 hours ago · New York mayor Eric Adams, during a recent press conference, ... Our children are being radicalized to hate America, to hate the country that put them where they are,"
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Adams made a mistake awhile back. He crossed Biden who is a vindictive person and now he is fighting for his political life and trying to stay out of jail.
Many of his staff have resigned seeing what might be coming down the road from
The Feds.

He has done a 180 on many issues. He is groveling at Trump’s feet hoping for a pardon should he be sentenced to jail. He no longer calls himself “The Biden of Brooklyn” when questioned on his party allegiance he said he was for the “
“American party”
I guess he got a boost a day or so back when Trump said he thought Adams was unfairly treated. Now there is spec of a pardon, if…

And suddenly he wakes up to the “radicalization” of our children?

If there was ever a loser politician, it’s Adams.
Vin53 · M
He crossed Biden who is a vindictive person

Provide an example of Biden being vindictive.
@Vin53 Believe what you want.! If you don’t think Biden is vindictive well that’s your call..
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Vin53 · M

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As alleged, Mayor Adams abused his position as this City’s highest elected official, and before that as Brooklyn Borough President, to take bribes and solicit illegal campaign contributions. By allegedly taking improper and illegal benefits from foreign nationals—including to allow a Manhattan skyscraper to open without a fire inspection—Adams put the interests of his benefactors, including a foreign official, above those of his constituents. This Office and our partners at the FBI and DOI will continue to pursue corruption anywhere in this City, especially when that corruption takes the form of illegal foreign influence on our democratic system.”
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I doubt it. The types of people to say that are usually anti LGBT and hate anything non white. You realize children can come from all sorts of backgrounds and no, you can't catch the gay, it's something you're born as.

So I mean can you blame them? There's a clear generational shift there in which the desire of younger people for more equality exists over Nazis that grew up in that sort of era.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
@SatanBurger Ha ha ha ha "Nazis" lol
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@HobNoblin White nationalism is a thing.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I don't see many Americans with "I hate America" on this site. I do however see crazy posts filled with hate from the right. Times of India?
swirlie · F
Really DogMan? At least you're brave enough to post an actual picture of yourself... and your motorcycle too?

Look what I just found on a motorcycle advertisement website... and look what I just found at a dog shelter donation website in Australia, Mister DogMan From India DUDE! 😂

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JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@DogMan No I don't. Thats nonsense
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Close to the truth. Americas failings are being put out there for those who will listen. However, that isnt radicalized. thats civilized..😷
JSul3 · 70-79
The work for 'a more perfect Union' continues.

American history is rife with very bad events. The nation was built by rich white men for rich white men, using slave labor to reach their goals.

Accept the good, the bad, and the very ugly of American history. Do not turn a blind eye. Do not try to erase it. Learn from tbe mistakes and work towards a greater good for all to benefit from...not just a select few.
graphite · 61-69, M
America has so many young people who hate this country but won't leave. Being brainwashed by radical leftist teachers/professors. And we have these kids who support turning Israel into a another Middle East hellhole like Iran or Syria, instead of keeping it as the technologically advanced democracy that it is.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@graphite You want to talk police state??
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster Yeah, it's funny how the people that believe words are violence,
and require safe spaces to hide from people they think are mean, believe they can
change anything. Their moms probably still change their underwear for them.
Fa8393 · 41-45, M
He is part of the political party that belives in hating america . So is clear now why trump won .
swirlie · F
The hate Americans feel toward their own country has nothing to do with America's youth being radicalized by conspiracy theory websites.

America's youth began hating America as far back as WWII, then again during the Vietnam War.

In both wars, upwards of 60% of all American soldiers were drafted into the military because they didn't want to join as a volunteer to serve their country.

That's why the USA experienced such a high percentage of draft dodgers during the Vietnam war because Americans didn't believe in their country, thereby causing the US government to resort to using mercenaries from other countries to assist the USA with "America's War" in Vietnam, which of course was a war that America lost hands down anyway.
kutee · 22-25
all kids hate everything, they complain, thenone day they wake up and ge ton wiht it
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
The people teaching them that are enemy combatants and should be dealt with as such.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@swirlie Do you know that people just standing outside the capital on January 6th
are being charged with up to 6 felonies? That would be like charging every George
Floyd protestor with looting and arson, just for being at a protest.

I'm sure you think that is fair, right? Because Orange man bad.
swirlie · F
Do you know that people just standing outside the capital on January 6th
are being charged with up to 6 felonies?

That actually has nothing to do with Orange man. That however, has everything to do with the price one pays to be called an "American". The only other place in the world where bystanders are charged by police for just being there watching a protest take place, is in Russia.

"Greatest country in the world!", Trump says?

You folks obviously don't get out much! 😂
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There's an ongoing conspiracy to destroy the country from within .. actually Biden did a lot of destruction already
kutee · 22-25
surely usa is land of the free, so they are free to hate it
@kutee and “surely” they can remove themselves ‘with their hate’ right out of this country. Yeah sweetheart… this is NOT what America is about.

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