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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I'm more concerned with hoarding resources while people suffer than any concepts of equality.
There's no sane reason someone should have more than they will ever need while another has nothing.
There's no sane reason someone should have more than they will ever need while another has nothing.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@CountScrofula because they worked for it . You know the fable of the grasshopper and the ant ?
DogMan · 61-69, M
@CountScrofula So, I guess I should not have my two vacation homes, when I already
have a home, right? I worked my ass off for the last 50 years of full time employment.
I risked my home to start my business. I also pay my employees very well, and, I pay shit
loads in taxes.
If I was unable to buy extra houses, cars, and motorcycles, I would not bother having
a company, nor would many small businesses. This would have
a detrimental effect on our economy.
have a home, right? I worked my ass off for the last 50 years of full time employment.
I risked my home to start my business. I also pay my employees very well, and, I pay shit
loads in taxes.
If I was unable to buy extra houses, cars, and motorcycles, I would not bother having
a company, nor would many small businesses. This would have
a detrimental effect on our economy.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
People want to be equal. And, maybe they are. No one else can be you except you. Each of us carries a whole universe inside. No one knows what is within it.
nonsensiclesnail · F
Depends, unequal when it comes to law? or only socially?
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Bang5luts · M
@DogMan I have been in the yard as well. You should be proud of yourself. I don't measure my own personal success by the things I have accumulated or wealth I have amassed. More by the way I am appreciated for the good I do for others at my own person sacrifice.
I am in no way knocking you or your achievements or accomplishments. In any way.
I am in no way knocking you or your achievements or accomplishments. In any way.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Bang5luts I have been able to donate a lot of money over the years. My wife and
I spend around 30k a year taking care of homeless animals, that's the big one, but we
donate to many other charities too. I am a grateful dude. And I take nothing for granted.
In my post military life, I had one full time job, and two part time jobs. None of them paid
well, but when you only work, you don't spend money. I also found an awesome woman,
that had the same work ethic, 30 years ago. I credit her with keeping me on the straight
and narrow, ( I could be a wild man ), but I am now reaping the rewards of years of work
and sacrifice.
I spend around 30k a year taking care of homeless animals, that's the big one, but we
donate to many other charities too. I am a grateful dude. And I take nothing for granted.
In my post military life, I had one full time job, and two part time jobs. None of them paid
well, but when you only work, you don't spend money. I also found an awesome woman,
that had the same work ethic, 30 years ago. I credit her with keeping me on the straight
and narrow, ( I could be a wild man ), but I am now reaping the rewards of years of work
and sacrifice.
Aysel · F
Indeed, we are capable of equality and not the corrupted kind known as "feminazi." Eliminating labels is, in my opinion, a good first step towards equality.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Equality in the eyes of the law is the only equal we can ever hope for .
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@jshm2 So what you are saying is....inequality will go away under a socialist/communist
party in lieu of a Democracy or Republic. I think you are right, we would all be closer to equal
but we will all be poorer. There will be far less rich people, and far more poor people, so yes,
we will be more equal.
party in lieu of a Democracy or Republic. I think you are right, we would all be closer to equal
but we will all be poorer. There will be far less rich people, and far more poor people, so yes,
we will be more equal.
akindheart · 61-69, F
i was recently in South Africa. I thought apartheid was over and gone but this "colored" lady told me they were highly discriminated against. the blacks got the prime jobs but they got nothing..
Adrift · 61-69, F
Well if you walk around the cemetery, you will notice by looking at the head stones who had money and who did not.
PoetryNEmotion · F
It is only truly bad when it directly affects you.