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when she was born ! :)
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Your eyes like you are gorgeous
Great pic!
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
She looks lovely!
meemo70 · 51-55, M
Both of you are lovely 😊
How old is she now??
nightflower · 26-30, F
@meemo70 shes 1 :)
meemo70 · 51-55, M
@nightflower aww :) they’re sooooo lovely and cute at this age ❤️
willyemmosher · 61-69, M
you are beautiful
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This is beautiful! One of those pictures that reminds you that humanity CAN still be beautiful 😊💖
nightflower · 26-30, F
@CrystalSparkles ur so sweet ! thank u 😍
@nightflower aww you are welcome and thank you for the add angel *hugs* we will be great friends 😊
Cruiser91 · 51-55, M
She is so perfect.the baby that is
Cruiser91 · 51-55, M
Damn.you are beautiful

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