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NATO invaded Russia. Thats the point. It was never about their response.

anyone remember that?

does anyone know who Scott Ritter is?


I understand why I leave here so often MORE than why I ever come back. Looking for some aware adults in this house. Hope fading fast...
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sree251 · 41-45, M
It is a mystery to me why the US never responded to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the ending of the Cold War. The bulwark of NATO defensive stance was maintained even with the ending of the Warsaw Pact. Instead of making peace, the US surged forward to assert its dominance as sole superpower backed up by European allies in NATO. Far from playing the role of world policeman to protect global peace, the US went on a rampage to destabilize any nation that would not fall in line and accept US's rule-based order. NATO started wars in Eastern Europe leading to conflict in Ukraine in direct confrontation with Russia.

The emergence of China threw a monkey wrench into US hegemonic ambition.
I know that Russia invaded other nations that have since joined NATO, but when did NATO ever invade Russia apart from high altitude information gathering?
Shadyglow · F
@SW-User Its about FRONT PAGE NEWS learning.

why not go to the archives and learn what happened in 1989 or so with Reagan's double crossing lies to Gorbachev....NATO WILL NEVER MOVE ONE INCH TO THE EAST. yeah right. I was so horrified by my country I could never look at that filthy cowboy moron-monster. He ruined this country's social safety nets as well.

and what happened after that precedent was set

USA has NO EFFING SENSE OF HONOR let alone DIPLOMACY. That offensive USA military contrivance has been threatening Russia's borders from the time that country was created.
sree251 · 41-45, M
You made some valid comments in this thread. How come there is no "reply" button to your posts?

It does seem that the US is the trouble-maker. How come the rest of the western world from the UK to New Zealand is backing this rogue nation? Can't the French, Italians, and Germans think for themselves?
Shadyglow · F
@sree251 The US seem to think it OWNS the world

If there's no "reply" button I wouldn't know why

But I do get censored illegitimately all over SM and have virtually no voice anywhere as a result. Wouldn't be surprised if its happening to me here too
sree251 · 41-45, M
The US seem to think it OWNS the world

That may be so. And I know for a fact that Europeans do look down their noses on Americans. However, there is a level of coercion the US exerts on western allies. I wouldn't be surprised that the arm twisting and intimidation of third world countries to deter them from falling outside the US camp are also applied to the ruling elites in the west.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
"Freedom cannot be negotiated. It is rarely given. It is usually won at great cost and sacrifice. Once lost, the price for regaining it will be even higher. Strength... strength alone can support freedom."
Shadyglow · F
@beckyromero Russia is not the enemy of the USA

IGNORANCE certainly IS!!!!!
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Shadyglow · F
@beckyromero NATO was supposedly a defensive tool and we chose to believe it, and in 89 it became offensive and nobody tried to notice.

It should have disappeared with the end of the ussr

Reagan never should have lied to Gorbachev about not expanding NATO

As far as WW2 I am not an expert so must let that go. I started noticing things around 1960
Wireman · 31-35, M
Funny how all Russian news are blocked, only msm gives false impressions.
Shadyglow · F
@Wireman Look at Scott Ritter's work and ditto for Richard Medhurst. The American Ritter is a Russia expert and also headed the weapons inspection team during the Iraq war.Medhurst is an ace British indie journalist and comes from 2 Nobel Prize winners and knows about diplomacy and Russia and way more. They are being SAVAGED by their respective governments for getting things very accurate about who is the real threat in world affairs.
Wireman · 31-35, M
@Shadyglow I know about Ritter, and funny they are from the two key player countries!

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