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Should Ireland give up its neutral status and join NATO?

deadgerbil · 22-25, F
I was surprised to learn that it wasn't a member already, even though it has the UK defending its airspace. But then the big hang up to joining seems to be the northern Ireland stuff
@deadgerbil That stuff was sorted out in the 1990s by the Good Friday Agreement so it would have very little to do with it these days.
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
@Ozymandiaz do you see Ireland ever joining?
@deadgerbil 50/50. The country is pretty pro-western even when it was neutral during WWII. The general population is not so keen on the idea of joining though.
Cierzo · M
NATO is terrorism and a weapon for American domination over Europe. Everyone supporting NATO deserves death.
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DDonde · 31-35, M
What would it gain or lose by joining or not joining?
@DDonde Being neutral allows them to be an honest broker. Plus would mean it is a little less likely they would get attacked during a major conflict.

I think that there is a push from America and European NATO members for Ireland to join because 70% of the fiber optic lines connecting the world pass through Ireland and Ireland has no way to defend them.
DDonde · 31-35, M
@Ozymandiaz I was curious about what NATO would want from Ireland as well, but that makes sense.
MethDozer · M
I don't see what good it would do for y'all. As it stands you're a pretty low tier piece of land in the global game of risk. Also as it stands what little strategic value y'all have in being occupied is already going to be protected by the UK, US, and NATO by proxy.

The only thing joining NATO would really accomplish is being forced to lend military support to NATO causes and fuck, y'all ain't that big so that's a pretty big hit to your populatio numbers. The other thing it would accomplish is it forcing you to house NATO military bases. Given your size and location their isn't much for y'all to benefit from. There's a lot to lose though i terms of your landscape and culture though.

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