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Roundandroundwego · 61-69
Maybe we'll actually disarm the West some day.
This is how you care mildly all through a genocide you're funding!
Unfortunately the twentieth century didn't include a complete disarmament of the psychopathic permanent war feature of the West that runs its enormous world domination project out of Washington.
When, in the near future we say "never again" it will definitely be about things such as this gigantic war machine
This is how you care mildly all through a genocide you're funding!
Unfortunately the twentieth century didn't include a complete disarmament of the psychopathic permanent war feature of the West that runs its enormous world domination project out of Washington.
When, in the near future we say "never again" it will definitely be about things such as this gigantic war machine
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Roundandroundwego · 61-69
@specman using the UN commission that started the process in the 1970's. Through global a international agreement.
You aren't really asking "how" you're saying "no".
You aren't really asking "how" you're saying "no".
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
I have lost all sympathy for Israel.
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