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Every single Zionist is an anti semite. (Part 1)

The term “Semite “ was not a term created by middle easterners to define themselves. Middle easterners throughout history regardless of religion NEVER used such term to collectively define themselves or even a specific group .

It is a term literally created by Europeans in the 18th-19th century using the Bible as a basis .
The word Semite is derived from the word “shem ” one of the sons of Noah.

While it is a biblically based idea, they used linguistic historical and cultural studies to support this theory .
However, it is not a fact it’s only a theory.
The theory in a nutshell states that certain languages (Arabic , Hebrew , Aramaic , Akkadian etc ) originate from one ancient language and one ancient population that split off into different languages and ethnic groups.
However this “proto semetic “ language is hypothetical and unknowns same with the identity and location of this ancient population who spoke this proto semetic language.

Later on another European man by the name of Wilhelm marr who didn’t come up with this term
Decided to put “anti “ before the word “Semite”
To kinda specifically mean “anti Jew “


when European Zionist Jews went to Palestine in droves and created colonies and subsequently ended up displacing the indigenous local population and stole their land and replaced them in a massive scale creating a new chapter of violent European settler colonialism using the standard European settler colonial rhetoric and policies which continues to this day in what South Africa apartheid experts in more than instance classified it as much worse than what South Africans experienced
( I know someone will comment “ but but not all the settlers came from Europe ! “ i know. However , the settlers who did create the state and kickstarted the project were Europeans the other Jews came later . Just like USA was founded through gcide and settler colonialism by whites but not all Americans r white ) they obviously got criticized for it. However whenever Zionists are faced with criticism even for other things like how nitinyahu was the reason USA illegally invaded Iraq , or how Israel supported apartheid south africa etc
Zionists go hide behind “ you are an anti semite! “
Because they have no leg to stand on.
They simply cannot refute you with reason.
So if they cannot refute any of that with simple reason do not be surprised if they scream that ur an anti demote in ur face as they defend a live streamed gcide in Gaza today.

There is a great book about this called “ the Holocaust industry “. It basically explains how Zionists (Jewish or not) exploit the Holocaust to justify their own brutal crimes , imperialism and holocaust.

So we have a situation where Europeans created a term to lump specific groups native mostly to Middle East into one label
Then later another European decided to restrict this label to a specific group out of those groups
Making semites to be specifically only Jews
And the modern anti semite term is not even for all Jews but specifically Zionist Jews
Then started using this label to abuse the Middle East
And now we have a hilarious scenario
Where mostly Europeans ( Americans included and especially Americans )
go on tv and call 99% of the population of the Middle East anti semetic for their own imperial ambitions.

Ay ay ay 😂😂😂😂

I am not against the theory of semites
However I think knowing the history of how this term came into being and how it is illogically and psychopathically
being used against the Middle East by Europeans is both funny and important to realize.

If you are more interested please read my part 2 as it will be a continuation of this.
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basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Semitic doesn't even refer to race.
It refers to a language family.
Just like not all Indo-Europeans are white (for example Iranians and Indians), not all Semites are Middle Eastern. Ethiopians are Semitic and they're Black.
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