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Eighteenth of June in British Military History

Three important events on this day:
1812: War declared between the UK and the USA. Britain, already embroiled in a long war with Napoleon Bonaparte, ended up in a silly little sideshow with the USA. Bonaparte's agents arguably provoked the war to divert Britain so France could invade Russia with more ease: historians do not all agree with each other on the reasons.

1815: Battle of Waterloo when the Irish born Duke of Wellington's allied army defeated the Corsican born Bonaparte's mainly French army.

1855 Battle of the Redan: Russians defeat a British attack in a battle often neglected in UK schools.
Switching · 61-69, M
Thank you Mandy,
You described it nicely and interestingly, but you didn't mention one very important event:
On August 26,1814 British with Dominion of Canada troops burned
the White House in retaliation for the American attact on York
( now Toronto ) in Ontario, Canada.
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@Switching The 21st Foot (Royal Scots Fusiliers) found the president's dinner on the table in the white house and had a good feed -according to legend. That was a fine propaganda coup but more important was the Royal Navy's attack on privateers in the Chesapeake that virtually wiped out the US privateer fleet. The US lost about 90% of their shipping to British and Canadian vessels; Canadian Blue Noses were particularly effective.
Do schools still do History. I thought they taught transferable skills and political correctness.
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@SW-User Not in my day! I have been retired for many years.
You know a lot about wars?
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@SW-User I know a little about military history.
Nice! A great almanac entry!
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