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Why did the 1979 Iranian Revolution happen? Why the current hostilities?

History: In 1953 a coup happened in Iran which over-threw democratically elected President Mosaddegh and installed the Shah as dictator. Funded by the United States and the United Kingdom, it removed Mohammad Mosaddegh from power and restored the dictatorship of Shah Pahlavi as Iran’s leader. Some 300 people died during fighting in Tehrān.

Mosaddegh was imprisoned for three years and then lived the rest of his life under house arrest. It is generally agreed today that the 1953 coup sowed the seeds for the Islamic Revolution of 1979, in which the shah was overthrown and went into exile. In 2013 the CIA formally disclosed its role in the coup.

If the U.S. and U.K. had not over-thrown democratically elected Iranian President Mosaddegh then the Islamic revolution would never have happened. LESSON: Don't overthrow democratically elected governments. Don't interfere in the internal affairs of foreign countries.

Now we need to get the diplomats together at a table and TALK.
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Northwest · M
No one had to wait until 2013 for a formal declaration. Anyone, their mothers, mothers-in-law and cousins, have been aware of the US role, the moment after it took place. And if anyone had any doubts, President Obama did a mea culpa, during his first overseas trip, in his Cairo University speech, and extended a hand of friendship to Iran.

The CIA hired Iranians, to play Shah supporters.

The revolution, happened, because of the autocratic, dictatorial, corrupt and abusive rule of the Shah, and his secret police's abuse of human rights, torture, imprisonment, etc.

A small segment of loyalists enriched themselves, while the majority lived in poverty, deprived of their human rights.

To further strengthen Khomeini, Iran's educated left, thought they were being smart, by helpling Khomeini out. Their logic is: this guy is a religious simpleton, hut he can provide the bodies needed to overturn the Shah.

Surprise. Khomeini's first act when he took over, was round up, and execute 25,000 university professors, intellectuals, writers, etc.

This left the religious fanatics in charge, and they did not forgive the US.

The Mullahs are driven by a single goal: hasten the arrival of the 12th Imam, which will usher Armageddon. But, in order for that to happen, Shiaa Islam has to re-conquer Jerusalem.

If you've kind of heard this story before you would be right.

The US Christian Evangelists, in the person of Trump, were not considering his morals, or brains for that matter, Their only concern was to have someone who will support an Orthodox Israeli government, take over the Al Aqsa mosque, destroying it, and re-building the Temple, ushering in the return of the Messiah, and Armageddon.