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AurelieWilliams · 80-89, M
What makes conspiracy theories so enticing is that they're based on facts and unanswered questions and if you dare ask the questions, you're automatically labeled a "conspiracy theorist" when a simple, LOGICAL answer would end the conspiracy theory.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@AurelieWilliams Like I said, what's funny isn't the unexplained issues that lead to those questions, but the proposed answers which are based on nothing.
Has the government (which ever one it may be) lied to us?
Are there things that are yet to be explained in relation to the JFK assassination?
Does that serve as evidence for lizard people and a new world order?
Not really
Peaches · F
@AurelieWilliams RIGHT, 😔 or you're labeled a "QAnon" for asking questions...I question everything before I'm sold on an idea.
Peaches · F
@EuphoricTurtle Oh!😯 I'm reading a book about newly released documents about JFK. I posted about that asking if anyone has read any good books's a real eye opener!👀

Peapod · 61-69, F
I spend very little time on Facebook these days because I have actually seen some family and friends post nutty things like this. I just want to pull out my hair right now.

With that said, of course people should question things. Just don't get your information from social media.
Peaches · F
@Peapod You mean about the Freemason's or conspiracy theories? 😏 I agree with listening to info from social media.😎
Peaches · F
I was just 😯talking about how this sort of thing. They are going to give it to the elderly see what happens to them perhaps? Guinea pigs?! YES, that's interesting about the "Freemasons."
Peaches · F
@EuphoricTurtle It's just that it's being developed so fast when usually it takes a few years to have a vaccine ready.🤔 There hasn't been much time to get data on it, so we don't know that much about the safety of it. I'll sit back and watch.👁️ 👁️
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@Peaches There are multiple reasons for that.
1. urgency
2. potential for profit. Since companies KNOW that there will be a demand (many of which have secured sales months in advance) and certain profitability they have no problems investing the huge sums of money required in development. Investing 100 million in research when you are unsure of the demand is a risk while investing 1 billion in research when just the US alone is preparing to purchase 9 billion in vaccines is an easy choice to make.

As for the risks, yes there will be risks and harmful side effects. But as long as the benefit outweighs by a clear margin the downsides then it's an easy choice to make.
Peaches · F
@EuphoricTurtle Let's hope so!🤗
I love those creepy vibes from stuff like this!!
Freemason crisis actress! How do they come up with this stuff! To be fair, the nurse should've had gloves on.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@Matte Lizard people can't wear gloves, it's like kryptonite to them!
Frank52 · 70-79, M
@EuphoricTurtle I'm with Matte on this one. Have you ever tried to get latex over a lizards feet? I lost a lot of blood that day.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
to the album: Facts

Jesus christ save me from "Facts
NoahB · 26-30, M
LMAOOoOO okay this ones funny
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EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@waleskinder Must have been something in the food

AurelieWilliams · 80-89, M
@EuphoricTurtle Love it! That's one way to keep kids out of the kitchen. 😋

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