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George Floyd and most of the people that BLM destroy the neighborhood for are criminal scum bags who had it coming

but this Sonya Massey shooting makes me angry. She just had a pot of water for chrissakes and she was holding it because they asked her to. Its awful.
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You don't take the law into your own hands. George Floyd should have been arrested period.@KingofBones1 A police officer is not a judge or a jury.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@Spoiledbrat no but some of us on the prison yard can be there are certain crimes you just do not commit and expect to have an easy time and a joint that's just the way it is if that upsets you I'm sorry but that is just real life

He didn't deserve to die.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@orioninthenight So....just like Trump had/has it coming to him?
@Tastyfrzz everyone has sufficient info at this point to understand my point if they care
@Tastyfrzz Im having tacos for lunch
MethDozer · M
George Floyd did not "have it coming".. nothing he did was worth being executed for, especially without any Trial, judge, or jury.
MethDozer · M
@orioninthenight score one for fascism
@MethDozer you know exactly my point too youre just arguing because you like arguing or something
@MethDozer I'm going to wrap this up now

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