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The phony Left, they only care about whales and animals when it’s convenient…..they are a sick bunch….

Feds say “damn the whales” in the Gulf of Maine

Excerpt below from full article above…

[Biden’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) proposes to build a huge amount of floating offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine. As required by law, it has published for public comment a draft Environmental Assessment of the area designated for this monster project. But insanely, there is no assessment of the project, just of the area without the project. I am not making this up.
This place is properly called the Wind Energy Area (WEA) because that is where the wind energy will come from. BOEM says they plan to issue eight leases initially with a monster development potential of 15,000 MW. Given that 15 MW is the biggest turbine available that amounts to 1,000 or more huge turbines. A second phase might add another thousand of so.
The potential adverse impact of this offshore wind project on whales is enormous. In fact, the Gulf of Maine is designated as critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act for the desperately endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. Clearly, caution is called for.
The draft Environmental Assessment simply ignores this enormous threat. BOEM says these potentially horrendous impacts will only be considered on a lease by lease basis and then only when specific development plans have been submitted. So, for now, it is “Damn the whales, full speed ahead.”]

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