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In the age of deception and illusion we must seriously consider the information in the story below.

An imposter in the White House? Investigative findings suggest new Joe Biden is not the original
Facial recognition software reveals with above 99% probability that the current president is an imposter, sparking national outrage and demands for an immediate investigation



Look at the faces. Check the different earlobes and changes in eye color. Weird.

ShibaInu · M
What a nice little conspiracy theory you have there for the mentally delusional.
@ShibaInu well, then explain the facial differences, particularly the attach v unattached earlobes and changes in eye color. We'll wait.
ShibaInu · M
@BizSuitStacy People can change as they age.
@ShibaInu 🤣🤣🤣
Not like that.
Confined · 56-60, M
Interesting theory. But last nights debate showed us he is unfit and would be prudent if we removed him from office.

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