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US national debt now rising by $1 triilion every 100 days.

America is bankrupt and no longer relying on hard work and innovation. The only way to survive is that of an inner-city thug, armed and dangerous, looking for trouble.
sree251 · 41-45, M
The vast majority of US debt is held by Americans. The land of the free is self-sufficient in terms of natural resources, innovation, and food production. America can sustain itself without foreign trade. If no other country buys our debt, our asset to debt ratio will diminish as we feed on ourselves like a cannibal feasting on its own body.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@TwistedApe You said: "sailing to Australua is not as easy as it sounds."

It's very dangerous, actually. Vietnamese refugees had done this. They risked their lives. If the UN can move you guys to Victoria without you folks kicking up a fuss, then the world community could help resettle refugees all over the rest of the continent of Australia. China would pitch in and build high speed rails all over the rest of Australia. The refugees could be put to work making a decent life for themselves manufacturing products for the rest of the world.
TwistedApe · 51-55, M
@sree251 the same can be said for Greenland, Russia, Kazakstan, Mongola and Botswana.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@TwistedApe Most of Greenland is too cold and covered by an ice sheet. All the other countries you cited were naturally settled by people already there. The point is, why are you guys so selfish? 25 million people hogging a whole continent and keeping other humans out is bad.
And if Trump becomes President again more tax cuts for the rich.
@Pitchblue You mean taking pork and graft away from the establishment.
sree251 · 41-45, M
The world has been using the US Dollar for international trade backed by the full faith and credit of the US Government, now a debt-ridden troublemaker. China and Russia are the enemies because they are the ones that can take the thug on, threatening the status quo.
TwistedApe · 51-55, M
@sree251 Russia wanted to be "friends" with the US of A but was rebuffed by a number if POTUS. Russia was pushed into the arms of the US opponents. Red China is with out doubt a malevolent foe of the US and the Western nations
sree251 · 41-45, M
@TwistedApe How is China a malevolent foe when it is the major trading partner of both the US and the Euro zone?
justanothername · 51-55, M
That’s a very cynical view of life.
tindrummer · M
@justanothername 100s of millions
justanothername · 51-55, M
@sree251 DJT is quad indicted and facing 91 charges. My views of him are 💯accurate.

If DJT is found to be immune and innocent of all crimes then Biden would be entitled to have DJT assassinated and be immune from prosecution.

Your opinion on the other hand is not worth anything.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@justanothername You said: "Your opinion on the other hand is not worth anything."

None of our opinions are worth anything. You get a high trashing Trump and watching bad things happening to him. Is there something the matter with you?

There is no doubt that our election system is rigged and rotten, and so is our justice system. We even make movies about our corrupt system and how Americans hustle is a way of life. We are all a barrel of rotten fish stinking up the world. And you want to dump on Trump. Give me a break.
Pfuzylogic · M
Our debt ration to GDP is better than most countries and our economy is much better than Russia and China unless you live in some alternate universe!
Pfuzylogic · M
China is choking on its own real estate. Older Chinese are suffering because they can’t move into what they put a down payment on. in other words they set up their senior citizens for a financial hole.
Russia serves putin and a war they didn’t choose. If they say something to push back they are executed and their economy sucks. They have NO diversity of exports. Oil and that’s it!
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Pfuzylogic Why do we care how China or Russia is doing? This thread is about the US national debt that ought to be a concern to us. The Chinese is running China, and the Russians are running Russia, but who the hell is running the US Government?
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sree251 · 41-45, M
The US Government knows that Americans cannot be relied on to buy US debt indefinitely. The reason is because not all Americans are productive. US poverty rate is rising.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
The US Government knows that Americans cannot be relied on to buy US debt indefinitely. The reason is because not all Americans are productive. US poverty rate is rising.

The poverty rate is rising because of the continual racism against Blacks and other minorities in employment and education. The effect is that it weakens the entire country although a handful of people benefit from maintaining the racist system across the country.

Lawsuit: Lake Orion trucking company had whites-only restroom, N-word on work microwave

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FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
sree251 · 41-45, M
@FloorGenAdm Fugazi. What are you insinuating? Are Americans getting screwed by the US Government? Apparently, a large part of the US debt is held by Uncle Sam. How do you owe money to yourself? Have you ever lent money to yourself to buy a car? Would the car dealer close the deal?
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Or you can become a politician.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@hunkalove Whatever for? Don't we have enough big spending politicians already?
tindrummer · M
🙄 ridiculous
trolling much?
Congress can easily wipe it out by legislation and go back to the gold standard.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@TwistedApe Default on its debt? Most of it is domestic and owed to Social Security, Pension Funds, 401ks, etc. Americans will be screwed by their own government.
@sree251 Social security has its own funding, so we're safe there, as well as other retirement accounts.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@NativePortlander1970 What do you mean by own funding? Uncle Sam has taken out money paid into Social Security and replaced it with IOU's. There is nothing in the kitty.

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