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UK Schools

So not only are UK Schools in trouble with RAAC but since Schools have reopened after lockdown 3000 kids are being expelled a day!!!!!

Why is this being allowed, why isn't the problems been looked into, why is it always the easy option to take to expel and put the problem onto someone else

what should be done as all this seems is that the system yet again is failing our kids
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ninalanyon · 61-69, T
why is it always the easy option to take to expel and put the problem onto someone else

Because division is more popular in the UK than inclusion. And also because in many cases it seems that schools simply don't have the financial resources and necessary skills to do otherwise.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@ninalanyon sadly it is all down to that
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Education was in a mess loooong before covid.
Teachers and schools have been limping along with ever growing numbers of children unable to cope with classroom environments and management.

Add to this an increasingly incredulous government constantly insisting that schools become some sort of community hub ten hours a day so that parents can go off to work in crap minimum wage jobs or be denied benefits they would normally be entitled to, and you have half a recipe for disaster.

Now imagine those same parents who were perhaps poorly educated themselves, and have seen and experienced the collapse in social cohesion since not being able to live near family due to lack of affordable housing.
Then a mess of a job market and that's how you get the mess we're in !

A wise man once said It takes a village to raise a man, and it's absolutely true !
Those of us who grew up among older generations of family knew our place within it and behaved accordingly !
Because the consequences of falling foul of that meant it was probably beaten into you.
There was no ADHD cop-out for poor behaviour. There was no Ritalin to shove down our throats. 'Special schools' were for those designated Educationally Sub-Normal.....and many of these kids turned out just fine !
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@milkymum1 Schools need to be educational establishments.
Not much ever changes you know.
The mathematics you learned at school is the same today as it was generations past
English might be an evolving language but it's grammar hasn't changed in fifty years.
The sciences the same.
Everything else is horse🤬

But children who can't sit still or concentrate for more than ten minutes at a time need containment and separation from those they're disturbing.
Those who are abusive need separation and educating on why that is unacceptable at ANY stage of life.
And those who are physically violent need removing from mainstream education altogether since it's clear they're demonstrating they can't cope with that learning environment.

The government whines that there are fewer people of working age today than retirees tomorrow.
Yet doesn't make the same evaluation of education today.
It's one thing to breed a generation unable to be educated.
It's another when that same generation is running the country thirty years from now
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Picklebobble2 I totally agree they've gone far too much on to results and pass rates rather than teaching to learn its teaching to pass

for me it seems to be changed for the wrong reasons rather than what's best to teach and learn

partly its down to no discipline in schools all they do if a child is disruptive is put his or her name on the board and if it get 3 ticks then they are asked to leave but the teachers can't make them leave

then all they do is suspend and if that doesn't work expel and put the problem onto someone else which now with lack of funding these schools are full and they can't take anymore

it also doesn't help that some parents don't parent or they've been failed by the system so they don't have the interest or push to try and help their children

the government will moan about anything to pass the blame on to anyone or anything to hide their failures
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@milkymum1 Absolutely
pdockal · 56-60, M
Why blame the system ?
shouldn't the parents and kids be responsible for their actions?
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@pdockal because they are taking the easy option rather than looking into why kids are misbehaving like they are

it could be down to bullying, bad home environment a sudden loss bad influences a lot of reasons why

I'm not saying all kids have a reason some might just be like that with no discipline at home which is down to the parents
pdockal · 56-60, M

Who is taking the easy way out ?
Why is it the school's job ?
Schools are for educating kids
Discipline is the parents responsibility
BabyLonia · F
Ok so i found an article

It said during 2021-2022 3000 kids a day missed school due to suspension. This is a bit different to permanent exclusion, and though whilst an increase on pre-pandemic numbers you can expect the effect lockdown had on kids and their behaviour. There are a number of programmes and enquiries into how lockdown affected students .... they will probably have a plan by the time the kids reach year 11
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@BabyLonia saldy this government plan is on the back of a beer mat
BabyLonia · F
3000 a day?
Where is your source, i have not heard of this?
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@BabyLonia national news

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