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British Museum

So the British Museum has been caught lacking in security

many artefacts have gone missing over many years

it was first said to be the curator as certain items were ending up on EBay

they were told about this by an expert who they are now trying to blame rather than who really did it

so what happened to the security was it down to people being too friendly and not doing the proper checks or something else like cost cutting and cheap security

now certain countries want their artefacts back so should they be sent back or what should be done overall
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HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Sonce many items were stolen or grabbed without considering the country of origin, it's time to send them back
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@HoraceGreenley i think so too
Amylynne · 26-30, F
it's real fukup
but considering what happened in the Egyptian Antiquities department the last time they had unrest?
maybe not the best idea to send things back
the "Elgin Marbles" looted from Greece in modern times.. would probably have not survived
not sure there IS a good answer
Nothing new here, they have been been doing it for years.

Yes, most of it was pillaged anyway and should be returned to its country of origin.

And some of it belongs in local museums.

There is a wealth of material not on view anyway.

In many ways the British museum is nothing more than a collection of stolen goods.
They should give back, It's not like they're using the stuff for anything.
many artefacts have gone missing over many years

now certain countries want their artefacts back so should they be sent back or what should be done overall

Whoa, stay on point !

I'm sure the thieves had no intention of returning the artifacts.

Anyway I'd have no issue with sending the artifacts back and replacing them with UK artifacts but then the same crowd would whinge about lack of diversity.

Other solutions include 3D printing and I have heard it suggested in a committe by an African member of the family that Westerners have mishandled sacred African artifacts (loosing their spiritual value) and thus should be kept- people pay to look at the display and it goes to a black charity.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
That is very sad.
vorian · 51-55, M
I like the british museum...been a few times.
But lets be honest...we should give all that shit back....we looted it.

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