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Don't make me laugh Rushi

So if someone is held in prison and they get found guilty they don't have to reaper in court to hear the family or families speeches or there sentence

so the Tories say we are looking to change the law , why, why aren't they suing Royal protocol like they have done when its something they want to get through Parliament

also Rushi failed to show up many times for voting on important issues in Parliament and feeble excuses were used but he has the nerve to call someone else a coward you really couldn't make this up

so surely if the government want to change the maws and force people to go to court surely that should also apply for Parliament

no hate no bigotry just sensible comments please
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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Sunak is a Conductor with no band !
Staring down the barrel of a possible complete wipeout of all Conservative seats at the next election.
Unprecedented in modern times !

So he's making these daft statements desperate to appeal to the extreme right wing in the hopes of attracting the hardcore right to the Tory cause without the first clue as to how difficult a policy it would be to enforce for the security officers or court staff should the guilty defendant feel he has nothing to lose by becoming verbally stroppy or even violent at sentencing.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Picklebobble2 I love that saying what a good allergy

that's the problem its all headline grabbing and that's it no substance
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@milkymum1 This is the world we currently live in.
Plenty want to become Politicians but few, if any have the first clue what to do about the mess (politically; socially; economically; financially) that we're in.
Much of it caused by Conservative governments trying to appease various factions within their own party
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Picklebobble2 yes its never been this bad and as you say all under the tories, after 13 years going onto 14 years we have gone more than backwards we seem to have a party that the BNP would be proud of

yes they just seem to say anything to appeal to either side of their party and to votes who they've manages to divide and make believe its other peoples fault
msros · F
Fishy Rishi was not elected but became Prime Minister by default, and the people will remember that.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@msros I'd like to think so too

just sayin

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