Hey Colorado? Lauren Boebert. Why?
Following the horrific shooting at a gay club in Colorado Springs, which resulted in five dead and 18 injured, the QAnon congressperson Lauren Boebert went right to Twitter with her "condolences" and demands to end violence.
This woman's career has been made on the backs of LGBTQ that she's vilified and promoted hate towards. But all it takes is offering some "prayers" to make it all ok.
Any Boebert voters here? Did this shooting make you happy? Feel good? Will you go back to watching trans porn and hating yourself for it?
This woman, and those who support her, are the dregs of our nation. But we're supposed to "respect others opinions," right? Screw that.
Which one of these tweets should we believe? Seems clear to me.
This woman's career has been made on the backs of LGBTQ that she's vilified and promoted hate towards. But all it takes is offering some "prayers" to make it all ok.
Any Boebert voters here? Did this shooting make you happy? Feel good? Will you go back to watching trans porn and hating yourself for it?
This woman, and those who support her, are the dregs of our nation. But we're supposed to "respect others opinions," right? Screw that.
Which one of these tweets should we believe? Seems clear to me.