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This is the result of 2 years of research into the pandemic. I have separated it into 2 condensed compilations of information and facts. The longer this hoax has gone on, the more information and revelations are coming out, until now it is an avalanche of damning facts which are all being censored by the colluding mass media.

1st Batch: taken during 2020.
2nd Batch: taken during 2021 up to July 2022.


Globally, the World Health Organization estimates that the common flu kills 290.000 to 650,000 people each year. Until the Covid 19 virus kills more than 650,000 people; it is less deadly than the common flu virus.
Corona viruses have been around for 60 years. There are 36 different strains of corona virus, 4 of them have been known to cause infection for a long time. Corona viruses cause between 20-40% of the flu that we see worldwide. Screening tests are not specific enough to differentiate between any of those 36 different strains of virus.
It is highly likely that everyone in the world has had some exposure to a corona virus and has probably had some infection of a corona virus somewhere in their lifetime. If someone tests positive, what does that mean? Does that mean they have an active infection? Does that mean they had an infection in the past? Does that mean they have an active infection of one of the 36 strains that have been around for 60 years? If you test positive does it mean that you’re sick? Or does it mean that you’ve been exposed to one of these 36 strains of corona virus and that it doesn’t bother your immune system? If you test positive for corona virus, which strain do you have?
The new recommendations from the American CDC (and in Canada also)… Is if someone is in the hospital with a respiratory issue and they die… then even if you have not tested them… or you tested them and they were not positive…you’re supposed to write on the death certificate “Co-morbidity”.
This is driving the numbers up to maintain the agenda of mass hysteria, mass panic and mass fear.. It keeps the panic churning. . It is estimated that 12,000-16,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the common flu virus in America alone each year.
At least 8,200 people have died this season from the common flu virus in America. NOT from .the corona virus. The reason for these low members is the common flu is now being misdiagnosed as the corona virus. Otherwise the common flu deaths would be about normal: 12,000-16,000 deaths, AND BE IGNORED.
There are 3.91 millions deaths caused by respiratory illnesses every year globally.
Recent studies by medical experts have revealed that the rate of infections is much larger by order of many magnitudes. As a result of the increased number of infected people; the death rate for Covid 19 has changed from 1.3% to roughly about .01%... Dr. Fauci himself told the medical community behind closed doors that Covid 19 is a seasonal flu with a mortality rate of .01%... A .01% death rate IS NOT A PANDEMIC… IT IS A HOAX..
Globally, there are 17-18 million deaths each year. Of the 32 main causes of deaths the corona virus ranks at the bottom of the list.
Each year there are 3 million newborns who die in the world of pneumonia and 50,000 adults in the United States for the same cause, WITHOUT ALARMS BEING ISSUED.
In many cases, they are misdiagnosing the common flu and calling it Covid 19. Anyone who dies of a respiratory ailment is being marked down as dying from Covid 19
They are lying to you. The numbers are being deliberately falsified.
THERE ARE NO RELIABLE TESTS that can tell the difference between Covid 19 and all the other flu viruses… never mind the 36 different Corona viruses!!..
‘ There is NO real “Covid-19” What it is, is that “they” invented a miserable “corona-virus “test”, which as it has been very recently been documented and written in the official U.S. Medical Library Records, is not and cannot detect any actual “Covid-19″… and instead it only detects “corona-viruses” existence in general in the human body… The so called “test” (and we are talking about the “credible” one which is working on the molecular level), in addition to the above, also, cannot detect the amount of the “corona-viruses” in the human body… which is crucial in order for a patient to be determined as an actual patient of a FLU…’
NEWS FLASH>>> The common flu is also a Corona virus. Covid 19 is a mild flu.
The stats for overall seasonal death rates this year across Europe are the same if not less than for any other year. The official figures for 24 countries across Europe show, not only that overall mortality is not increasing, but – so far – it is actually well below recent averages. https://off-guardian.org/2020/03/28/10-more-experts-criticizing-the-corona virus-panic/
Johan Giesecke (ex state epidemiologist, WHO advisor, chief scientist/European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) “I think of it is as a severe seasonal influenza”;
“Someone right now is dying from pneumonia and it will absolutely be impossible to isolate this year’s version of corona virus from other forms of respiratory ailments by exclusively claiming it as a causative factor in death. That is criminal negligence. The problem, is that “corona virus” (due to mass media over-magnification) will end up stealing stats from the 1.5-3 million pneumonia cases per year and the 3/4 to 1 million flu cases. In fact, it already is.”
Dr Pablo Goldschmidt is an Argentine-French virologist ;.
“There is no evidence to show that the 2019 corona virus is more lethal than respiratory adenoviruses, influenza viruses, corona viruses from previous years, or rhinoviruses responsible for the common cold.”
This a scam.
Dr Michael Levitt: Professor of biochemistry at Stanford University.
“The number of deaths of corona virus in Italy is 10% of the number of deaths of influenza in the country between 2016-2017.
German Network for Evidence-Based Medicine
“In the majority of cases, COVID-19 takes the form of a mild cold or is even symptom-free. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that all cases of infection are recorded, in contrast with deaths which are almost completely recorded. This leads to an overestimation of the CFR. (Case Fatality Rate) An overestimation of the Case Fatality Rate also occurs when a deceased person is found to have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, but this was not the actual cause of death.
Dr Richard Schabas former Chief Medical Officer of Ontario:
“Quarantine belongs back in the Middle Ages. Save your masks for robbing banks. Stay calm and carry on. Let’s not make our attempted cures worse than the disease.”
Globe and Mail, 11th March 2020’
“Strictly by the numbers, the corona virus does not register as a dire global crisis”
‘You don’t need to be an expert to see the causes for the concentration in Northern Italy and NYC. as Florence has about 300,000 legal Chinese immigrants taking over its manufacturing, in addition to countless illegal Chinese, who make regular and continuous trips back & forth to Wuhan. Once the outbreak in China became known, and China began complaining a few weeks later that calling it a Chinese- or Wuhan-virus was “racist,” the mayor of Florence encouraged the Italian residents of Florence to “hug a Chinese” to show support. Again, there was a constant traffic between Florence & Wuhan at that time. And Florence apparently has the second oldest population in Europe, if not in the world.’
The most draconian military enforced lockdown since March has been Peru and they have the highest mortality from Covid in the world.
Can you say world totalitarian surveillance states?
Can you say one-world governed by FEAR and HYSTERIA?
Billions of the world’s masses are being impoverished due to this hoax.
MASS FEAR; MASS PARANOIA; MASS SELF-IMPRISONMENT; MASS CONFORMITY; POLICE STATE MARTIAL LAW. While destroying your society, your lives and your livelihoods…
SHARE THIS POST AND WATCH THIS VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/VJmvdgskiq1U/


Of Fauci’s 7.7 billion dollar annual funding; he gets 1.4 billion dollars for bio-weapons research. That is against US Law and the Geneva conventions. So they exported the research to China and Ukraine to avoid being shut down. As of June 11th 2022, the Department of Defence admitted that there does indeed exist U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine – 46 to be precise – but the department assures they’re “peaceful.”
Igor Kirillov, the head of Russia's Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defence Troops, citing an analysis of documentary evidence, said the profits US politicians earn for the private biotech sector helps to pay for their re-election via campaign donations. The US executive branch has also worked to create a legislative framework to finance military biological research directly from the federal budget, with funds of non-government organizations controlled by the leadership of the Democratic Party, including charitable foundations belonging to the Clintons, the Rockerfellers, George Soros, and the Bidens.
Major global pharmaceutical companies have become involved in these shady 'public private' partnership schemes, including the likes of Pfizer, Moderna, Merck, and the Pentagon-affiliated biotech firm; Gilead.



70% of Fauci’s funding comes from the Pentagon. The U.S. National Institutes of Health under Fauci awarded a 3.7million research grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. He funded 60 projects at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and all were in conjunction with the Chinese military. During his term as head of the NIH he spent 191 BILLION dollars of tax payer’s money for the bio-weaponization of viruses against Humanity. Since the rollout of the emergency use authorization, Moderna executives have suddenly become BILLIONAIRES. Pfizer made 19 billion dollars in the 2nd quarter of 2021 selling their poison death shots… That’s 211 million dollars a day... Some of the known risks of these shots are blood clots and cardiomyopathy. Luckily for Pfizer, they also make Eloquis for treatment of blood clots (sales up 13%) and they make Vyndaquel for cardiomyopathy (sales are up 77%). Big pharma is making 60 billion dollars a year selling the experimental jabs, but they are also making 500 billion dollars a year selling remedies for the injuries caused by them. Pfizer made 35.5 billion in 2021 off their Covid vaccines alone. They expect to make 98 to 102 billion dollars this year. Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna are making 1,000 dollars a second due to their experimental vaccine rollouts. Moderna sold 5.9 billion of its vaccines in the first quarter of 2022… blowing out revenue and profit expectations. Moderna’s first quarter vaccine sales more than tripled last year in 2021 when it reported 1.7 billion in sales shortly after the first sales rolled out. Pfizer is now being accused of profiteering as 2022 1st quarter sales hit 26 billion… By investing in vaccine patents and Moderna; FAUCI IS NOW WORTH 126 BILLION DOLLARS. Even at the start, Gates admitted vaccines was the best investment he’s ever made; turning 10 billion into 200 Billion; which has grown to a 200-fold (2,000%) profit. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation went from 96.68 billion in 2019 to 124 billion in 20221… The original title of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control. Moderna’s stock is up 230%. Last year: big pharma made 1.27 TRILLION DOLLARS. Big pharma accounts for 30% of the U.S. GDP… Now they want to make it 60%... In the US; big pharma has spent over 23 million dollars lobbying in 2021… There are 3 lobbyists per member of Congress from Big Pharma alone and their budget is about 1 million dollars a day. If they make vaccines mandatory globally, that’s a 90 TRILLION DOLLAR A YEAR INDUSTRY… which is 4 ½ times the entire U.S. GDP. The head of Reuters (the largest news organization in the world) is also on the board of Pfizer. The largest stock owner of Spotify is also the largest stock holder of Moderna. Three of BlackRock’s former executives are now top members in Biden’s white house cabinet. BlackRock is the largest shareholder in all big pharma corporations. Ursula von der Leyen, head of the EU; buys Covid vaccines for the EU… Her husband Heiko runs the company that makes the vaccines… FACT: The CDC is a vaccine company… it owns 20 vaccine patents and sells about 4.6 billion dollars of vaccines every year. FACT: 45% of the FDA budget is paid for by big pharma.
The corrupt, global fascist collusion and criminal connections between corporations and govts are now being revealed.

Wealth of U.S. billionaires:
2010: 1,600,000,000,000
2021: 4,600,000,000,000
2010; US federal minimum wage $7.50
2022: US federal minimum wage $7.50

American billionaires have added 2 trillion to their wealth during the pandemic. Since the pandemic: 400,000 UK businesses have gone under while 600 new billionaires have been created.
Trudeau bought 400 million doses of experimental vaccines. There are only 38 million people in Canada: That’s more than 10 doses per person. It turns out Trudeau gets a kickback from Pfizer and Moderna for every shot they buy. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna uses B.C. Canadian based Aquitas lipid nanoparticle technology to manufacture their experimental jabs. That means big pharma has to pay Aquitas royalties for the right to use their patented technology every time they make an MRNA injection… The Trudeau Foundation owns a 40% stake in Aquitas… For example; unvaccinated truckers bringing Covid vaccines and medical devices into Canada have been exempted from quarantine and testing requirements, and obviously vaccine requirements. Total economic global losses for the general populace since the start of the plandemic have reached 14 Trillion Dollars. THIS IS ALL ABOUT MONEY AND BIOTERRORISM.



Moderna has been using MRNA technology for 40 years to develop an HIV vaccine… they never managed to do it. MRNA Technology was patented as early as 1990. A patent application for the testing for Covid 19 was filed by Richard A. Rothschild of the Rothschild banking family in 2015… 5 years before Covid 19 appeared in China. Richard A. Rothschild patented COVID-19 biometric testing in the Netherlands in 2015, the second registration was in the US, in 2017. His net worth is 400 billion dollars. Since 2003 there have been 4,100 patents filed on Corona virus for treatment-protection-vaccination-detection-etc: YOU DON’T FILE PATENTS ON SOMETHING YOU DON’T INTEND TO COMMERCIALIZE.

In order to understand this hoax you need to understand that the contagion model based on germ theory was invented to sell drugs to make a profit AND to kill people.


"Take note of the report for the US military by Black & Veatch and Metabiota. In accordance with this document, 'veterinary projects' with the code 'TAP' were implemented simultaneously with the 'UP' series projects in Ukraine. Their main focus was economically significant quarantine infections, capable of causing damage to the agriculture of individual nations and entire regions, such as galanders, African and classical swine fever, highly infectious pathogenic avian influence, and Newcastle Disease," Kirillov said in a briefing Thursday in Moscow.

On July 7, the Russian Ministry of Defence reported on the results of the analysis of the military-biological activity of the USA and its allies in Ukraine and other regions of the world. The report confirms that:
• Ukrainian special units were planning to use biological weapons in Eastern Ukraine;
• Ukrainian servicemen were involved as volunteers in experiments to assess the tolerance of dangerous infectious diseases;
• the official activities of the Pentagon in Ukraine are just a front for illegal military and biological research
• Ukraine and other post-Soviet states have become a testing ground for biological weapons not only for the USA, but also for its NATO allies
• the U.S. persists on its policy of building up its own military and biological capabilities in circumvention of international agreements.
• https://southfront.org/analysis-of-military-biological-activity-of-usa-and-its-allies-in-ukraine-and-other-regions-russian-defence-ministry/

In Ukraine alone: The US govt spent 32 billion dollars in bioweapons research over a period of 4 years.


As David Icke explains how the globalists manipulate the masses: “Problem-reaction-solution”. By selling the idea that diseases are infectious and then selling vaccines as the best way to control infectious diseases, they create and spread disease by their poison jabs… which gives them the ability to sell even more poison jabs to the brainwashed masses and make even more profits. This hoax began long before 2019. What people do not know is that germ theory was disproved in the 1880’s before Louis Pasteur sold this fraud to the world.

Apart from greed, how else to explain the collusion between Big Pharma and govt? Govt pension funds are going broke. U.S. social security will run out of funds by 2026. How can the govt stave off their bankruptcy? By not paying out veterans, and old age pensions for the next 10-20 years to tens of thousands if not millions of recipients who would still be alive if it weren’t for the poison jabs… How much money can they save? Billions?


2019; US mortality rate: .9%
2020; US mortality rate; .9%

2019; US Deaths per thousand: 8.70
2020; US Deaths per
Top | New | Old
IndrekPringi · 70-79, M
Here's more: (there's a limit how much text I can post here)

2019; US mortality rate: .9%
2020; US mortality rate; .9%

2019; US Deaths per thousand: 8.70
2020; US Deaths per thousand: 8.78


2020 8.880 1.12%
2019 8.782 1.12%
2018 8.685 1.12%

FACT: UK deaths in 2018 were HIGHER than in 2020
In Canada the annual percent increase of deaths in 2020 was the lowest since 2012. This includes sharp increases in overdose deaths and the deaths of those who expired because their surgeries were postponed last spring
FACT: The average lifespan is 70-80 years.
FACT: Over 90% of the supposed Covid 19 deaths are between 70 and 80.
For instance, the average life expectancy in Ontario is 81 years old… the Covid death age average is just over 82 years old.
FACT: The average age of Covid deaths in the UK was 82.5 years
(Average Life expectancy in the UK for men is 79 and 82.9 for women)
FACT: The average age of People in Sweden dying with Covid 19 (not from Covid: WITH Covid) is 84
FACT: The Covid average death age EXCEEDS all the average life expectancies in all of the countries reporting Covid deaths
FACT: There were no excess deaths before the experimental MRNA inoculations
FACT: Excess deaths have skyrocketed AFTER people started taking the poison jabs.
FACT: If you look at the 2020 audit statements of the world’s largest life insurance companies; there are no excess deaths. Is Covid so damned smart that it only kills the uninsured? Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says he will not take his own vaccine. Groups that have been exempted from taking the mandated vaccines in the USA: All of Congress. All Congressional staff: house and senate, 6,000 white house employees, 2,500 Phizer employees, 1,500 Moderna employees, 120,000 Johnson & Johnson employees, 15,000 CDC employees, 14,000 FDA employees, 8,000,000 Chinese students exempted, 2,000,000 illegal aliens, 500.000 homeless and street people… The rest of you take the vax or lose your job: What does that tell you?

FACT: The reason 2020 annual mortality rates and growth rate of deaths are the same as in previous years, regardless of the supposed Covid deaths, is because they have stolen deaths from people who would have died anyways in order to scare people into believing in this hoax. There is no pandemic: You have been scammed. If you don’t believe me: Try to find any total annual death statistics for 2020 along with previous years on the same internet page… You won’t find them together because it would show that there was no increase in total deaths compared to previous years. The U.N. still hasn’t released the 2020 global death rates… I wonder why.

Basically the PCR test magnifies the danger of a virus by false positives just like the mass media and the govts have magnified the danger of Covid 19 by false propaganda….
FACT: both masks and PCR tests were manufactured before the virus appeared and both contain Ethylene Oxide, a known carcinogen, including the swabs. People need to run like hell from the testing.

Read about the PCR test and its false positives. https://bpa-pathology.com/covid19-pcr-tests-are-scientifically-meaningless/ The PCR test cannot tell the difference between living cells and decomposed dead material. Govts are forbidding doctors to give antibody blood tests because it would expose the fact that the experimental jabs destroy the body’s natural immune system and that they were healthier BEFORE they took the vax.

Norway itself reported over 3600 adverse reactions to the vaccine.
4,178 post-COVID-vaccine deaths now reported (through May 3rd 2021) to the U.S.-based Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Update on July 7th 2021: 2,000 deaths reported in the last 2 weeks, now up to 9,048 deaths total. UPDATE: Sept 20th VAERS report almost 15,000 deaths. As of Nov 19th: 19,249 deaths, 913,266 adverse reactions; 97,561 hospitalizations; permanently disabled; 30,967. Update Nov 26th: VAERS deaths: 19,532.

The VAERS underreporting factor (URF) is required information to be known for any risk-benefit of assessment of a vaccine. The fact that this number was never calculated by the FDA or CDC means that all the safety recommendations to date have been guesses. The most important thing to know about VAERS is that it is always underreported. This is widely known. A Harvard study a decade ago said only 1% of Vaccine deaths/injuries are actually reported by the VAER system. A 2006 study published in the journal: Drug Safety including more than 37 different studies from 12 different countries that used various surveillance methods concluded that up to 95% of serious adverse events go unreported or only 5% reported. Using the VAERS database and independent rates of anaphylaxis events from a Mass General study, Steve Kirsch computed a 41X under-reporting factor for serious adverse events in VAERS for the experimental MRNA inoculations, leading to an estimate of over 150,000 excess deaths caused by the vaccines as of Aug 28, 2021. Even with the underreporting, the statistics are off the chart:

In Europe, the COVID vaccine fallout has been equally alarming: The EudraVigilance database reports as of November 13 20021, there were 30,551 fatalities and 1,163,356 adverse drug reactions from COVID vaccines. UPDATE> Nov 20th: 31,014 deaths, 2,890,600 adverse reactions. BRAZIL: 32,000 DEAD FOLLOWING COVID SHOTS. Norway has announced that you are at a greater risk of dying from Astrazeneca vaccine than from covid-19
After 16 years of trying, a SARS-co-1 jab was never established... you cannot convince me that they have created one for this SARS-Cov-2 in less than 6 months. . In April, the CDC stopped counting the number of fully vaccinated persons across the U.S. who were tested positive for Covid when they got to 10,262… While the CDC stopped tracking these cases, many states have not. Bloomberg gathered data from 35 states and identified 111,748 cases through the end of July… more than ten times the CDC’s end of April tally. This proves the CDC is trying to hide that fact that the untested “vaccines” are dangerous. The PCR test will no longer be allowed after Dec 2021 in the USA.

So after billions of FAKE PCR tests, creating FAKE hysteria and FAKE paranoia and FAKE fear; the CDC is finally pulling the FAKE test that produces false positives for engine oil, orange juice and Coca Cola; WITHOUT ADMITTING THAT ONE YEAR OF FAKE TESTS CREATED A FAKE PANDEMIC AND THAT THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT.
If everything from the fake pandemic to the fake tests to the fake Covid 19 cases to the fake vaccines is a scam; then why take the vaccine?
Fauci is making billions in vaccines. Rothschild is making a killing selling the tests. The drug companies are making trillions in profits. Large corporations have TRIPLED their profits due to restrictive measures imposed on small businesses. American hospitals get 53 K for every Covid case with ventilators, Pediatricians are getting 400$ bonuses from Blue Cross and Blue Shield for every child that they vaccinate. In the UK: local hospitals are receiving 15K US dollars per C19 death… US: Hospitals get paid $13K to List Patients as COVID-19 and $39K to put them on a Ventilator: THAT’S WHY. American hospitals are offering 500$ to their staff to take the experimental vaccines or else be terminated. As a result hospitals are now overloaded not due to Covid but to 20-50% of their staff being fired for refusing to take the poison jab. Political leaders have become virtual dictators in democratic nations using fear mongering and this hoax as an excuse: Now they have come up with another scam: The CDC is listing Covid 19 vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated deaths if they die within 14 days of taking the vaccine; THUS DECEIVING THE MASSES THAT IT IS THE UNVACCINATED, NOT THE VACCINATED WHO ARE DYING.

So you think all the vaccinated are going to die? Think again… most of the jabs are placebos. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zFhkB0PCOyNi/ They are killing people randomly, a bit at a time and blaming the deaths on new “variants”. The J&J jab fell from 88% effective to 3% in August 2021.

LATEST U.S. VAERS REPORTS COVID VACCINES ARE KILLING 70 PEOPLE A DAY. Within 28 days of vaccination: 6,586 Welfare recipients in New York died. Since the administering of Covid vaccines to teenagers in England and Wales there has been a 63% rise in deaths among teenage boys. THIS IS DELIBERATE MASS MURDER; only they’re doing it randomly so you won’t notice. Unless we (meaning YOU) organize and fight this global propaganda by copying this post and spreading the truth; we will all be forced to take the jab and live in a locked down world of police states with no rights and no freedoms and no jobs and no small businesses. They already HAVE used it to destroy millions of lives, jobs, businesses, rights, and freedoms.


Oct 15th 2021 VAERS reports: 881,971 adverse reactions; 18,399 deaths. Merck is selling a federally financed Covid pill back to the US govt for 48 times what it costs to make by signing a 1.2 billion dollar deal with the govt for experimental treatment. In B.C. if someone dies suddenly; the coroner will NOT do an autopsy if the corpse tests positive for Covid because they have to keep padding the Covid numbers and they can’t afford to expose the fact that the deaths are due to the vaccines, not the virus. The Total number of American Citizens that died within 14 days of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is 48,465 according to hard data revealed in the Medicare Tracking System.

Out of 7,960 beneficiaries prescribed Remdesivir for Covid-19; 2,058 died. That is 25.9%. The Remdesivir Treatment was established in U.S. Hospitals at the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Attorney Thomas Renz said “The nurses revealed to me that patients that are vaccinated are getting Ivermectin, which is proven to heal people. But if you are unvaccinated, they put you on Remdesivir in the hopes that you will die”. As of Oct 22 2020 in America; Remdesivir has killed 350,000 people in US hospitals… Then they started shipping it to other countries! The Center for Medicare and Medicaid services in the US is offering a 20% payout to all hospitals if they pick Remdesivir over Ivermectin for all Medicare and Medicaid patients. Medicare currently pays out 2,400 dollars for every 5-day treatment of Remdesivir in 65 year or older patients. In Texas 84.8% of hospitalized people on ventilators are dying… Estimates are over 800,000 hospital murders were committed in 2021 in the USA. These deaths will be used to further terrorize the masses by blaming it on a virus and selling them more poison jabs.


Latest twist: UK official warns if you don’t get another shot in 6 months you’ll be considered unvaccinated: The Italian Higher Institute of Health: has Corrected Covid Deaths from 132,161 to 3,783. It turns out the vast majority of those who died with Covid had 1 to 5 other underlying conditions. 10 times more dead babies since vaccinations started and 20 times increase in breast cancer since depopulation inoculations began in the UK. 32,000 Kaiser Permanente nurses are going on strike on Nov 15th 2021 in protest against the mandated vax, Miriam Webster changed the definition of “vaccine” early this year because MRNA products did not meet the definition of ‘vaccine’ that had been in place for 15 years. The CDC has redefined their definition of “vaccination” to suit political and pharmaceutical interests. By law every drug sold in the US must have a package insert listing all the ingredients. Covid inoculations instead have 4 empty pages titled “Intentionally Blank” on the 1st page. The BMJ (British medical Journal) has come out and said anybody dying of flu is automatically labelled as dying from Covid. There are 36 different strains of corona virus, 4 of them have been known to cause infection. There are 100 respiratory illnesses that have the same symptoms as Covid and there is no single test that can tell the difference between them.
70% of the people who died in Sept 2021 in the UK and Israel were fully vaccinated. 108 FIFA soccer players and coaches are now dead since vaccine roll out. Deaths of professional football/soccer players due to cardiovascular issues are doubling every three months. Investigation finds 278% increase in Worldwide Heart Attack Deaths among Soccer Players in 2021. Twice as many cardiac arrests in athletes vs. history of all cardiac arrests in athletes. As of Dec 28 2021; 339 athlete cardiac arrests, 193 dead, after Covid shot. Jan 4th 2022: Athletes collapsing and dying (400 in last 6 months)

In Dec 2021, 100% of all patients in intensive care in Belgium hospitals were fully vaccinated. U.S VAERS reports 2,620 fetal deaths after Covid shots injected into pregnant women; more than in all past 30 years put together. Recently a whistleblower in the US has revealed that the VAERS numbers have been falsified; Conservative estimates are that at least 500,000 deaths occurred from Dec 2020 to July 2021 due to the untested inoculations. Australia has recorded 11 times more deaths in 8 months following covid-19 vaccination than it has deaths following every other vaccine combined in over 50 years. Since July 2021 there have been almost 10,000 excess non-Covid deaths in the U.K. VAERS deaths in March of people who were vaxxed in March are only now showing up in Dec. They are manipulating the stats to hide the spikes in death due to the vaccine rollouts. CDC scrubbed the death of a 2-yr old, and is throttling new updates of deaths. In 2015: Moderna signed an agreement with the U.S. govt to co-own its Corona virus vaccine patents; thus sharing in the profits, as the Canadian govt is doing with kickbacks from Pfizer and Moderna…

Deaths from heart attacks in Brazil as of the end of 2021 are now up by 80,000 in the year 2021 compared to 2020. Deaths of male children in UK are up 54% since they were offered the covid-19 vaccine. Latest UK Government Data: 70% Of Covid deaths Are DOUBLE-VACCINATED. U.S VAERS reports 2,620 fetal deaths after Covid shots injected into pregnant women; more than in all past 30 years put together. FDA Records subpoenaed by attorney shows over 158,000 Adverse “Events” in First 2.5 Months of COVID Shot Trials: FOAIA requests reveal Pfizer knew of the 158,000 adverse reactions and didn’t tell anyone. Steve Kirsch has offered 1 million dollars for anyone from any major academic medical center or any govt agency to have a fair discussion on vaccine safety and efficacy for Covid; Even if they can’t make the case that they are safe, they still get the money. Nobody has taken him up on his offer. In Canada, Pfizer had to release an analysis of adverse events to Health Canada on the first 3 months of their injections between Dec 2020 and Feb 2021: 70.6% of children who had the injection had serious side effects. 13% of breast fed babies of vaxxed mothers developed serious transmissible side effects. Research has shown that adverse effects of these shots are not random but are the product of dosage testing of different batches… Batch numbers have code numbers that indicate what level of toxicity each batch has… most batches are placebos; but it is impossible to determine what is in each batch, since big pharma keeps the contents of each batch a deep dark secret… For all we know, all of the batches or lots could be saline solution except for the ones causing adverse reactions. Which brings up another point… How much more profits are big pharma reaping by manufacturing vials of salt water THAT COST NOTHING TO MAKE? Billions? But wait, there’s another question that comes up… what if all the leaders encouraging everyone to get the poison jabs are getting placebo’s instead? Eh?
What if Trudeau was given a fake jab, EH? https://www.bitchute.com/video/JCyyWq9Yorw3/
Breaking News: Johnson & Johnson and Moderna have the same batch coding systems even though they’re supposed to be completely different formulations and different companies.
VAERS has been found back dating deaths; that means it is reporting deaths that they received months ago now: in order to lessen the number of initial reports after vaccination. VAERS is also deleting people from their data base every week. People are literally disappearing from the system… Now VAERS does not report people who die after 4-6 weeks of being jabbed. Before it was after 2 weeks. VAERS does not update its records. It does not do follow-ups; it only records the first initial report. THAT MEANS NOBODY KNOWS HOW MANY OF THOSE ALIVE IN THE INITIAL REPORTS HAVE SINCE DIED… THEY ARE DELIBERATELY MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND OUT HOW MANY DEATHS ARE CAUSED BY THEIR INJECTIONS. When a death is reported, the VAERS protocol is to call back and if nobody picks up the phone or calls back, they mark down: “Department unaware of patients cause of death.”

Prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death in the U.S. and Europe, after heart
disease and cancer. Before this fake plandemic 440,000 patients died every year from medical errors in the U.S.… 1/3rd of all deaths in the U.S. were due to medical malpractice. Now they are killing people in hospitals deliberately for money in various ways. By targeting the old and the unvaxxed and administering Remdesivir & Midazolam.
By not allowing families to see their loved ones: thus keeping everything they do to them secret. By not treating other illnesses, using this hoax as an excuse. In the years following the plandemic: 2021 and 2022, the death statistics will explode, and will be used to further terrorize and brainwash the masses into taking more and more boosters, until people can’t live without their next death shot and their updated vaccine pass/slave card.

Latest News: The CDC has been caught inflating Covid deaths by 1,600%; violating Federal Law. Heart attacks and myocarditis have gone up 1,600 % since the poison jabs started to be distributed. Australia Has Recorded 12 Times More Deaths in 10 Months Due to the Covid-19 Vaccines Than Deaths Due to All Other Vaccines Combined in 51 Years. Latest CDC data reports almost 35,000 Covid vaccine injuries among 5-17 yr-olds. For most of last year, many health professionals have asked the CDC to release its data on reinfection rates, but the agency refused, finally they released data from California and New York which demonstrated natural immunity was 2.8 times as effective in preventing hospitalization and 3.3 to 4.7 times as effective in preventing Covid infection compared with vaccination. A research study that was done in Singapore last year found that natural immunity against any SARS virus lasts at least 18 years…
NEWS FLASH: Nigeria has just destroyed more than a million Covid vaccines:

Pfizer received more than 150,000 serious adverse event reports within the first three months of rolling out its experimental Covid shot. Of 32 pregnancies with known outcomes, 28 resulted in fetal death, two spontaneous abortions with intrauterine death, and one spontaneous abortion with neonatal death. There were 3,604 reports of spontaneous abortions, miscarriages, stillbirths, and neonate deaths on the U.
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IndrekPringi · 70-79, M
The fact that you did not read what I posted makes your comment totally worthless.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
The fact that you did not read what I posted makes your comment totally worthless.
The fact that you comment on what I say I didn’t read makes me laugh… at you 👍
spjennifer · 61-69, T
Methinks you spend far too much time on conspiracy web sites, get out and get some fresh air once in a while, it will do you good! 🤪
IndrekPringi · 70-79, M
Tell me more...
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@IndrekPringi Thanks, you've just revealed yourself as an alt account for dippyslow, good job! 🤪
IndrekPringi · 70-79, M
Tell me more....
2cool4school · 46-50, F
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@IndrekPringi nope 👎
2cool4school · 46-50, F
Third: the rest of your insane blabber means you're either on drugs or you're insane.
Now get lost.
Heavy Drugs. Yes. And plenty.
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2cool4school · 46-50, F

Ok let’s get you up to speed. Ok boomer??
This is exactly what I said to you 2 hours ago!!
What Is a Baby Boomer?
"Baby boomer" is a term used to describe a person who was born between 1946 and 1964.1 The baby boomer generation makes up a substantial portion of the world's population, especially in developed nations
And hopefully now you remember that you were born in the middle of the baby boom generation (post WW2 FYI) and I’m right yet again. And you are at best ineptly embarrassing to your generation as a whole and to silver haired seniors everywhere. I’m sure that you’re not accurate in any way if you don’t remember when you were born. You say that you’re 73 only furthering my point. Thanks but you need the help. Not me in this area specifically. Night 😊 sleep tight. Don’t forget to take out your dentures, alright? 😉
IndrekPringi · 70-79, M
All the crap you post has ZERO... NOTHING to do with the facts I posted.
You are a bot or a paid agent: Get lost
2cool4school · 46-50, F
All the crap you post has ZERO... NOTHING to do with the facts I posted.
You are a bot or a paid agent: Get lost
Your paranoia is incredibly disturbing but also entertaining… 🤣
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
I can't find a thing you posted that is not the truth. Well said. Expect the non science types on this site to attack with full force. They believe experts and therefore government not actual science. What you wrote runs contrary to the official narrative. You will be attacked.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
You will be attacked.
@hippyjoe1955 you should know all too well. Lol 😂
2cool4school · 46-50, F
Why so angry?? Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the asylum bed today ??
purplegold39 · 41-45, F
Thank you so much for this!
purplegold39 · 41-45, F
@IndrekPringi Can I put it on my blog?
IndrekPringi · 70-79, M
Yes! Of course. The only reason this hoax has worked is because most people are not informed about the real facts.
purplegold39 · 41-45, F
@IndrekPringi Thanks. True.
IndrekPringi · 70-79, M
Is dat so? Tell me more.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
IndrekPringi · 70-79, M
tell me more
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IndrekPringi · 70-79, M
Paranoid pieces of shit like you are obsessed over keeping everything about yourself a deep dark secret.
The reason for this is because you exist in a continual state of paranoid fear. because of this you are incapable of holding an intelligent discussion or argument. that fact that you admit you take lots of drugs also exposes you as a drugged zombie. In other words nobody cares what you think.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@IndrekPringi of course if you don’t care what I think why make 5 replies to comments made in July of 2022 ?? I think we both know that you care. And you’re actually projecting your own paranoia so you might want to get that checked out too lol 😂
IndrekPringi · 70-79, M
Tell me more....
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