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Jamila Polatova - oncologist from Tashkent

Oncologist Jamila Polatova:
“Mutilating operations are going away
into the past"

Tashkent hosted a three-day master class “Oncoplastic surgery
mammary gland". Heads and leading specialists of the four largest
Egyptian Cancer Centers shared their experience and conducted a series of
organ-preserving operations.
Breast cancer remains the most common cancer
disease in women in most developed countries. This is due to the close
objective and subjective factors, including the wrong image
life, reproductive behavior of women and environmental degradation
environment. However, with the development of modern science, this diagnosis no longer sounds
like an inevitable verdict.
Approaches to the treatment of the disease in Uzbekistan and Egypt are different. For
deepening knowledge and expanding practices in the fight against breast cancer exchange
experience between representatives of the two schools is extremely useful. According to the Egyptian
specialist Ayman Ali Abu Shmeil, thanks to the work of Jamila Cancer School
Polatova, such cooperation has been going on for more than a year.
“Our work began during the pandemic. We held a number of meetings online
format, and now with colleagues flew to Uzbekistan. This is a great opportunity
for us, as well as for students and medical professionals to get new
knowledge from people with different work experience,” said an oncologist from Egypt.Ayman Ali Abu Shmeila is sure that during such meetings young people
specialists have the opportunity to dive deeper into the process,
eyes seeing an example of the work of professional oncologists:
“This experience is indispensable, and I am glad that thanks to the Cancer School it became possible.
Jamila Polatova is a true professional in her field, and also very kind and
attentive person. We are glad to visit Tashkent and are waiting for our Uzbek colleagues
us in Egypt,” he concluded.
According to Jamila Polatova herself, the past event is necessary for
improving the quality of life of patients. Moreover, oncoplasty develops in
direction of treatment of tumors not only of the mammary gland, but also of the musculoskeletal
motor apparatus.
“Mutilating operations that forever change the face of a woman are a thing of the past.
Thanks to the development of diagnostics, medicinal and radiation methods of treatment, all
more often organ-preserving operations are performed. oncoplastic approach,
combining the possibilities of modern oncology and plastic surgery,
widely used in Europe and the USA, today is actively
is also used in the leading oncological centers of Uzbekistan. I'm very pleased,
that our and foreign experts speak at the same level and share their
invaluable experience,” said Jamila Polatova.
In addition to lectures and seminars in the program of the master class "Oncoplastic
breast surgery” joint operations were performed. Yes, for three
day, Egyptian specialists operated on five women, conducting a direct
video broadcast of the operation for local students and oncologists.
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