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Home Tags: police | shooter | texas | mistakes | uvalde Police Acknowledge 'Wrong Decision' in Delay in Confronting Shooter

Nearly 20 police officers waited for nearly an hour in a hallway outside the classrooms where a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers in a Texas elementary school, even as panicked 911 calls were placed from inside the rooms pleading for police to intervene, authorities said on Friday.
At least one child and one teacher made multiple calls to the 911 emergency number from the two connecting classrooms after 18-year-old Salvador Ramos had entered with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, according to Colonel Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Note Every one of these police should be charged with Murder and dereliction of duty, and of course FIRED!
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Both Abbott and McCray overstepped. McCray added a "but I wasn't there" qualifier but you can't unring a bell. Both should have shared the facts and not their opinions, yet.

If it hasn't already, the investigation will slow down fast while all the police officers lawyer-up and refuse to make statements or participate in the investigation except when accompanied by legal representation. To understand what Abbott and McCray did, go watch that movie about "Scully". $Billions in lawsuits, possible criminal charges, and years of mean-spirited press coverage may hinge on what gets told to investigators, so be sure to rehearse and filter whatever gets said through a lawyer experienced in such matters.

Whatever mistake the Uvalde police made appears to have also been made by the Border Patrol tactical commander who took 30+ minutes after they arrived before storming the shooter.
TexChik · F
The cops were chasing him after he shot his grandmother and then stopped to shoot at the funeral home. He ran his grandmother's truck into a ditch and broke the axle and then ran to the school. They were doing construction on the school before school had let out which required the back doors to be open. That was a mistake. The shooter easily gained access to the building and the school was not on alert of lockdown because the local PD didn't notify the school resource officer? Here the schools lock down anytime there is an incident near one.

Uvalde is a poor, predominantly Hispanic town and the city had cut back on police funding....According to friends in San Antonio who are telling me what the heard on the news.
That's a bit much. Why not have swat storm the place?

Don't feed into the liberal hysteria of crucifying every cop for any reason
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Nearly 20 police officers waited for nearly an hour in a hallway outside the classrooms where a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers

Shouldn't that read
Nearly 20 police officers waited for nearly an hour in a hallway outside the classrooms while a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Dude , you’re Monday morning quarterbacking THIS?
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
Did you volunteer to go in🤔
Confined · 56-60, M
@Justenjoyit Banning guns will not do anything. Maybe this idiot was hired to do this.
@hippyjoe1955 Canada is restricting freedom by banning guns. I don't agree with it
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Stargazer89 I don't agree with it either. Canada has a very corrupt government and that has been the case since confederation. Some nutcase shot 4 cops on his farm before he killed himself. The cops went out and arrested 2 of the nut cases 'friends' and charged them with accessory to murder. The two buddies had no idea that the guy was going to do anything. They got jail time and not just a little. Some poor kid rides into a strange city and is charged and convicted of rape and murder. He was proven innocent decades later. The cops and prosecutors had their scalp. They didn't care.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I thought the police officers went in to get their own children.
Confined · 56-60, M
@iamonfire696 No they did not.

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