cortney · 22-25, F
Hello, I am an oppressor. Please don't cancel me.
Well FCUK American Express and these other corporate giants
I am sick and tired I have to bend over backwards for every person.
How the fcuk am i going to tell if the person is black over the phone?
Excuse me sir/madam are you black or another minority that is offended by a white person today - if so call back and ask for Al Sharpton
I am sick and tired I have to bend over backwards for every person.
How the fcuk am i going to tell if the person is black over the phone?
Excuse me sir/madam are you black or another minority that is offended by a white person today - if so call back and ask for Al Sharpton
Nimbus · M
Talk about jumping through hoops! 😮
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4meAndyou · F
@Nimbus Young people in the United States are woefully ignorant. BEYOND ignorant in some cases. And Marxism is POWER...for a few...POWER for the elites at the top.
Our government and the socialist/Marxist Squad believes we are ALL clueless. That we don't KNOW what they are planning.
One of the women who lit the country on fire with the BLM movement could not wait for her Marxist plan to reach fruition, but took the money that was donated and bought herself FOUR houses. Two of them were in high end white neighborhoods.
Our government and the socialist/Marxist Squad believes we are ALL clueless. That we don't KNOW what they are planning.
One of the women who lit the country on fire with the BLM movement could not wait for her Marxist plan to reach fruition, but took the money that was donated and bought herself FOUR houses. Two of them were in high end white neighborhoods.
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
They want to Jab kids.
Next they want them to devide
Next they want them to devide
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@FreestyleArt They announced that they are coming out with an additional booster shot for some “immu-compromised” people. Watch how that works out for them.
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
@cherokeepatti and they probably do it without Parent's Permission
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@FreestyleArt I think they want to eliminate people with those type health problems first
1354swrdt · 70-79, M
This Marxist nonsense is being forced on people throughout society. Thankfully I think some people are seeing through it.
4meAndyou · F
@1354swrdt We have to keep speaking out. We have to use our megaphones and shout it from the rooftops...or online...IF Facebook and Twitter and Google decide to allow us to speak...🤣
Unfortunately, my own posts will not reach ANY of the lefties on this site, because I've blocked almost every rude creepy person here. So feel free to repost them.
Unfortunately, my own posts will not reach ANY of the lefties on this site, because I've blocked almost every rude creepy person here. So feel free to repost them.
SupportVectorMachine · 36-40, M
Most of this isn't true. From what I can gather the truth is actually that they are doing racial sensitivity training at the corporate level. This is something a lot of companies do, it is very helpful.
SupportVectorMachine · 36-40, M
@SumKindaMunster Yes. Because the ideas are not unproven or they would not use them. Corporations are there to make money. You cannot resolve things like race or gender you have to constantly fight implicit biases in speech and thought. If you do you will be more efficient and make the company more money.
Certain words and phrases are not conducive to the making of money and so they are removed from the lexicon. Amex wants to make more money. That's why they do this because they will become more profitable.
Certain words and phrases are not conducive to the making of money and so they are removed from the lexicon. Amex wants to make more money. That's why they do this because they will become more profitable.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@SupportVectorMachine Ok. Well if you find yourself marginalized because of something intrinsic about you that you have no control over, I hope you remember your comments here.
Console yourself with the fact that whatever happened, its ok, because some corporation was looking at the bottom line and that is what matters.
Console yourself with the fact that whatever happened, its ok, because some corporation was looking at the bottom line and that is what matters.
4meAndyou · F
@SumKindaMunster He will not be able to reply, because I have blocked his idiotic rear end. He honestly believes this is GOOD, and that these concepts have been proven...what a chooch. He should stick to math.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Cool. Keep naming and shaming!
This is a good sign...
This is a good sign...
American Express did not respond to Fox News' request for comment.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Its people like this that want a race war.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@cherokeepatti yes that's about the only way they can, stupid people are falling for it🤦♂️
Neoerectus · M
@4meAndyou Siigghhh....
Brownshirts were the names for Hitler's rightwing Fascists ( duping folks with the wongly stated socialist moniker, like here).
A true Marxist hasnt walked the Earth for over 100 years. We often get folks masquerading as communists, socialists, democracracy-loving, Christian, Buddhist (Myanmar), etc etc. who are in it for raw power and to make others do things their way.
Fear of not being top dog guides most folks afraid to acknowledge others' basic human right to equity. This truly takes nothing from others, but fear runs rampant...with sleazy politicos all to willing to stuff their pockets by fueling those fears.
Brownshirts were the names for Hitler's rightwing Fascists ( duping folks with the wongly stated socialist moniker, like here).
A true Marxist hasnt walked the Earth for over 100 years. We often get folks masquerading as communists, socialists, democracracy-loving, Christian, Buddhist (Myanmar), etc etc. who are in it for raw power and to make others do things their way.
Fear of not being top dog guides most folks afraid to acknowledge others' basic human right to equity. This truly takes nothing from others, but fear runs rampant...with sleazy politicos all to willing to stuff their pockets by fueling those fears.
4meAndyou · F
@Neoerectus Oh, thank you, Lord Expert. I did know that brownshirts were not the correct name for the Stalinist youth, but I am somewhat tired this morning and could not think of the proper just came to me! Pieces Of Sh!t!!!
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
I GUARENTEE you, that the people who made these decisions and forced them on their employees exempted themselves from it.
Candie · F
Cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) youre not confusing it are you?
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Candie K. So I've cleared up your ignorance?
Candie · F
@SumKindaMunster its just hard to believe is all
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Candie What's hard to believe? That corporate America would do this?
Budwick · 70-79, M
I am urging Amex to "eat shit and die".
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Budwick heard these people indeed eat shit in their rituals as gross as that sounds. That’s how devoted they are to their dark master.
Lanyx · 41-45, M
I call that bullshit. They are promoting racism. They are being racist towards the white workers.