Roundandroundwego · 61-69
It's not okay to know stuff in real time. In three days it will be audible to the conservatives, three more days and I'll hear it.
Axelerator · 31-35, M
Pretty soon after, but would they find me? That’s the question
Dv8rs · 18-21, F
Never, no one would. I wood be SOL.
NightsWatch · M
@Dv8rs well ....lets hope its a redwood then
Longer than i care to think about
NightsWatch · M
@Bexsy thats why you leave a bread crumb trail
@NightsWatch smart
HannahSky · F
I'm the only one who's going to hear it
candycane · 36-40, F
If it's hard wood I got a hungry beaver🤭