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I Would Like to Live In Log Cabin In the Woods

I really wouldn't mind being away from all the craziness of the city. Smoke some loud and just be surrounded by nature. That sounds fantastic to me. I really want to be in a peaceful quiet environment.
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I live in the mountains and see a lot of people come to live their dream but after a few year most leave due the solitude,the distances and the missing of contacts, so it's not for everybody a the paradise after a while.
Sounds great but have you ever spent time, I mean real time in the bush. There might be a lot more to it than you think.
cosmicuniverse · 26-30, F
Everything has its downfall lol
Likely a lot more than you expect. But, I am with you on that. I have spent a great deal of time in remote places both in the arctic and in the forested areas and mountains of Alberta. It is worth the effort if you are willing to put up and deal with the disadvantages/inconviences. If you have any questions about it feel free to message me.
cosmicuniverse · 26-30, F
Thank you, I will definitely.
Same here, above a huge meadow so I could watch the wildlife from a safe distance, good water, small cabin, good wood stove.....
cosmicuniverse · 26-30, F
That sounds like the life...
I would like to live in the woods so that I could be more ready to protect wolves.
cosmicuniverse · 26-30, F
How kind
Wolflover. That is a good and noble cause in areas where they need protection but some areas have higher numbers than their prey items, like moose and elk, can support. many things affect the populations of prey species like ticks on moose which with high enough numbers make the moose anemic and cause hair loss from rubbing on trees to relieve the itch caused by the tick load. This occurs during the winter months and the moose lose so much hair they can not maintain a high body heat to survive and eventually die from exposure. Deep snow winters adversely affect elk. Too deep and they can't move around freely to find food and starve to death. So in some cases wolves need to be controled but you bet in other areas they need protection like many other species and in that case I say go get em. If you ever get the opportunity to hear wolves howl do it. It is one of the neatest sounds of the wild you will hear. Often it is a long drawn out rather low sound almost like a moan. Beautiful, wild and eerie. But even more more so the sound of a pack in full choirs is not from this world. It is stunningly beautiful to hear and spell binding. And you can bet you will love it but the hair on the back of your neck will stand up as straight as if you used a pail of grease and a combed on it out.
Well, yeah, I love wolves.

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