Charlie1960 · 61-69, M
The wealth of nature and its natural beauty is priceless and there to be savoured
Autumnglow · 56-60, F
An abundance to be shared for a lifetime. <3
Charlie1960 · 61-69, M
we will.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Life the way it should always be.
Autumnglow · 56-60, F
For some, it just comes natural.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Autumnglow: So true. I've always spent as much time as possible outside, hiking and backpacking and camping.
QueenOfSmiles · 46-50, F
That is my heaven! Always have a hammock at the ready!!
Autumnglow · 56-60, F
Now, that is soulful. Love it.
Namaste · 31-35, M
I love nature 😘
Autumnglow · 56-60, F
Everything in it is beautiful.

Any room in that hammock for me 😜
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I'd settle for a coke 😏@Autumnglow:
Autumnglow · 56-60, F
@Realniceone4you: 😂

😜 lol@Autumnglow: