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Justafantasy · M
I usually have 2-5 baby plants going. Big difference between having spider plants and monster plants. Full size spider in an 8" pot, baby monster in the same size pot
caccoon · 36-40
@Justafantasy true!!
I mostly grow drosera, utricularia, and pinguicula, so I use 3" pots. I do have some larger species (pitcher plants both American and tropical), but they have their own setups
I mostly grow drosera, utricularia, and pinguicula, so I use 3" pots. I do have some larger species (pitcher plants both American and tropical), but they have their own setups
Justafantasy · M
@caccoon I've got a specific vase that I use for my monster and rubber tree cutoffs, those start around a foot tall though. A 5 count beaker stand for the smaller stuff, pothos, spider and whatever else I figure to try
being · 36-40, F
I'm very excited for you ☺
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