I bought these plant seeds today. I hope they grow.
Aren't they absolutely gorgeous?!! Yes I'm aware that sometimes they don't "take", but then there's times they do, as well, and there's a guarantee that if they don't work, they will replace them for free and it only cost me a total of $6.95, so that wasn't bad at all.
Here is the one I really really wanted, but couldn't find on the site but there were plenty of other gorgeous plants to choose from. I'll get some more next year.
For sure, I want this one next year:

That's the Moonlight Begonia that glows at night. Isn't it gorgeous?
Here's one I bought this year that is awfully pretty I just love it. It's an Angel plant. Mine's not as big as the one in this picture from online but it's getting there and I'm really loving it.