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I bought these plant seeds today. I hope they grow.

Aren't they absolutely gorgeous?!! Yes I'm aware that sometimes they don't "take", but then there's times they do, as well, and there's a guarantee that if they don't work, they will replace them for free and it only cost me a total of $6.95, so that wasn't bad at all.

Here is the one I really really wanted, but couldn't find on the site but there were plenty of other gorgeous plants to choose from. I'll get some more next year.

For sure, I want this one next year:

That's the Moonlight Begonia that glows at night. Isn't it gorgeous?

Here's one I bought this year that is awfully pretty I just love it. It's an Angel plant. Mine's not as big as the one in this picture from online but it's getting there and I'm really loving it.

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KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Very beautiful may you have much success in your gardening as I hope to
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@LadyGrace I'm sorry if I'm quiet that thought just came into my head and I needed the moment😭 I'm going to go shower now I have to get ready for a meeting. But thank you beautiful for saying so I can't even describe what the words mean to me and thank you for taking the time to say them.
@KingofBones1 I'm sorry honey if I triggered the emotions again. I understand. Please have a blessed and happy day and know that you are greatly loved. The Lord shall reward you all greatly with many crowns!!! The Bible says so. And there shall be No More Tears, sadness, death, nor evil, nor disabilities. We shall all be made whole and that's something to rejoice about. It is our blessed hope and the only hope we have in this world. Jesus is our safe place. I am going to pray for you each day my friend.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@LadyGrace thank you my beautiful friend and I shall do the same for you as well
shakemeup · 36-40
Wow. I love the top 3. I'm definitely going to look up more info on the one whose leaves look like butterfly wings. That one is gorgeous. I've never seen of before.
@shakemeup Neither have I. Supposedly Etsy sells them but they may be out because I couldn't find them and there were tons of begonia pictures there. I hope to get one next year. That was my favorite one as well.
elixirhtc · 36-40, M
I hope so that they will grow plantation is something which I really, admiring it's can have positive impact in our life ...
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
Those are amazing but caution Ahead - These attract lots of flying insects for pollination.
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