So yeah, the wildlife photographs I've posted from my local park over my many walks. Seeing wildlife so vividly!.. in truth, these are only around the corner from where I stay. And I feel connected, like I know my place. I then just wonder about career options??. I'm studying for preferably zoology at university next year. Thought about a wildlife biologist?..And being more spiritual and real??.....I don't usually let salary get in the way!..I saw a few posts saying pay isn't great!...And if I wanted to go for money, perhaps?? look at veterinary for instance?..I could try joining some of the students going for that in my class, ...I got experience at an animal rescue centre not long ago,, but, it really my scene to see animal insides, and to work on animals as they get put to sleep....Then I looked at marine biology, which does seem interesting too, seems to be a little bit extra pay?...but grounded to one environment...Can say, I'm really passionate about wildlife, I am a worrier too, have always I would think about whether I be financially stable??...Suppose it's exhausting being a worrier..but you think things through...