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My kowhai tree is flowering;

the resident tui sits atop the tree, warbling, clucking, chuckling and whistling, king of all he surveys.
An intruder, another tui, flies into the tree, seeking the nectar from the mass of daffodil-yellow flowers.
The resident tui challenges, and the two birds swoop and circle in an aerial dogfight,wings clattering and whooshing as the birds wheel and jink, sunlight sparking iridescent fire from their shining feathers.
The intruder retreats and the resident bird returns to the top of the tree, chuckling and whistling in triumph.
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shakemeup · 36-40
I had to google an image of a kowhai tree. What beautiful yellow blossoms!
@novaguy2u sounds just delightful!
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@novaguy2u Tūī is both the singular and plural. Māori does not have an 'S' in it's alphabet.

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