TexasDude · 31-35, M
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Appears to be a wonderful time!!
SissySecrets · 46-50, T
It looks breathtaking.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Lol when I was,younger, much younger, I caught a chipmunk in a bucket. I think I told you what a bad idea that was lol. Who knew chipmunks carried rabies or that thet they have 4 elongated teeth that will pierce your skin deep into your tissue, along with other teeth. I had to have a series of rabies shots, and have my flesh stapled back together from that little boss turd. Chipmunks are cute at a distance but no thank you to them being upclose. They also carry other diseases like lyme, salmonella, etc so I hope you washed your hands well lol. (My attempt at humor but they really do carry disease.)
Kstrong · 56-60, F
@Fungirlmmm a harsh lesson to learn, but you pass on real experience knowledge
Livingwell · 61-69, M
@Fungirlmmm I get you. But I didn't try to trap or touch him. Just gave him a chip
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@Livingwell Oh I know. I used to feed ducks bread until I,found out it makes them blow up. Oops.
My best time in Colorado was chipmunk on my lap
Livingwell · 61-69, M
@Bexsy "Chip" and I are tight. We spent the afternoon together.
Fairydust · F
Aw so cute ☺ looks beautiful.
I was camping last month on an animal farm 🦉 love being surrounded by nature and animals.
I was camping last month on an animal farm 🦉 love being surrounded by nature and animals.
JustaBuddy · 41-45, M
It's a good time
redback · 51-55, M
Camping is great
i like that view