Autumn in Quebec
Somehow this music reminds me of a day in my childhood, even though I never heard it before.. I was a good kid.
I've been wondering, coming across those fanatics here who fiercely defend religion.. Did I use to be JUST LIKE THEM? I thought maybe. But no, I don't think I was ever this ugly; calling people ugly and disgusting for not believing, and explicitly judging them like this. Maybe I was naive, but not that hateful and ugly inside.
Which is why some love and empathy, could open my mind to the possibility that I might be wrong.
The future seems the most uncertain, as I ever felt in my entire life, yet I am sure I want to move that uncertain direction.
Somehow this music reminds me of a day in my childhood, even though I never heard it before.. I was a good kid.
I've been wondering, coming across those fanatics here who fiercely defend religion.. Did I use to be JUST LIKE THEM? I thought maybe. But no, I don't think I was ever this ugly; calling people ugly and disgusting for not believing, and explicitly judging them like this. Maybe I was naive, but not that hateful and ugly inside.
Which is why some love and empathy, could open my mind to the possibility that I might be wrong.
The future seems the most uncertain, as I ever felt in my entire life, yet I am sure I want to move that uncertain direction.
31-35, F