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Thank you farmers

To the old farmer driving his tractor down the road today. I saw you waving at me to pass you when it was clear, I saw you tip your hat and wipe the sweat from your forehead and I saw the sweat running down the back of your shirt. Don't worry about me being behind you, I'm just going to follow you with my hazard lights on until you turn off.
When you turned your head back the second time and saw my hazard lights on and waved a thank you to me, it made me smile. I'll keep you safe because I appreciate how hard you work to make a living. I know you're up before me and I know your still working when I'm resting at home. I'm okay driving a little slower and taking in all the fields that you work. They're perfect just like you.
Thank you for slowing me down so I can reflect on the importance of what you do and what you bring to the table. ❤️ You just keep driving Sir and I'll just keep following.
Author: Wenda
Dusty old farmer out working your fields
Hanging down over your tractor wheels
The sun beatin' down turns the red paint to orange
And rusty old patches of steel
There's no farmer songs on that car radio
Just cowboys, truck drivers and pain
Well this is my way to say thanks for the meal
And I hope there's no shortage of rain
Straw hats and old dirty hankies
Moppin' a face like a shoe
Thanks for the meal here's a song that is real
From a kid from the city to you
The combines gang up, take most of the bread
Things just ain't like they used to be
Though your kids are out after the American dream
And they're workin in big factories
Now If I come on by, when you're out in the sun
Can I wave at you just like a friend
These days when everyone's taking so much
There's somebody giving back in
Straw hats and old dirty hankies
Moppin' a face like a shoe
Thanks for the meal here's a song that is real
From a kid from the city to you.
Murray McLaughlin - Farmers song.

Photographer: Danny Jones.
That's a Johnny popper, single cylinder John Deere
Outdoorfreedom · 56-60, M
We had a tractor like that.

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