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Majorlatency · M
Supposedly insects are the superfood of the future..
I tried eating caterpillars once, but it was no good, they gave me butterflies in my stomach!
I tried eating caterpillars once, but it was no good, they gave me butterflies in my stomach!
@Majorlatency good one, lol
Majorlatency · M
@Albatross Sad to say there're plenty more where that came from!
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
Nature isn't more amazing than we imagine, it's more amazing than we can imagine!!
@TheWildEcho well said
The pattern ,amazing 😊
@SW-User Nature
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
wow beautiful
Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
Woah cool!!😲
@Wallflow3r Mother Nature at her best