onewithshoes · 22-25, F
My boyfriend and I do a lot of hiking together. I like to wear a pair of sturdy oxfords with socks,👞👞 but my boyfriend's soles are toghened for going barefoot,👣 so he never wears any shoes at all.👣😉 Bare feet work really well for him, on any type of terrain, and I've always admired his going barefoot,👣🥰 -- but going barefoot would never be right for me.😧 My soles are baby soft, and really need the protection of shoes and socks.👞👞😉
I felt realy sorry for one woman who showed up for a hike wearing flip flops.🩴🩴 They broke half way through, and she ended up having to walk back barefoot on a gravel road with feet that were obviously much more like mine than my boyfriend's.👣😧Ouch,👣😧Ouch,👣😧ouch!👣😧
I felt realy sorry for one woman who showed up for a hike wearing flip flops.🩴🩴 They broke half way through, and she ended up having to walk back barefoot on a gravel road with feet that were obviously much more like mine than my boyfriend's.👣😧Ouch,👣😧Ouch,👣😧ouch!👣😧
SandraB · 41-45, F
Have you tried barefoot hiking? It's the absolute best! Feeling all the different textures beneath bare soles adds a whole new level of sense to the walk.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Hiking boots. Not the full length kind.
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BlackBloodDemon · 22-25, M
@DeWayfarer That's understandable. I prefer to have cushion in my shoes. Unfortunately, it's hard to come by those these days. I used to work at a sporting goods store, and there were these pair of shoes with memory foam. Those were very comfortable. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get my hands on another pair ever since the store went out of business. I even tried looking up the style online. No luck!
Also, is it just me, or is it hard to find a good pair of shoes that fit these days? It seems I am in-between whole and half sizes. Every shoe I've tried on so far is either a little too small or a little too big.....
Also, is it just me, or is it hard to find a good pair of shoes that fit these days? It seems I am in-between whole and half sizes. Every shoe I've tried on so far is either a little too small or a little too big.....
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@BlackBloodDemon try getting one that comes close. Then get a good pair of insoles. The insoles should make up the difference.
BlackBloodDemon · 22-25, M
@DeWayfarer That's a good idea. I haven't thought about that. Thank you!
Carazaa · F
Do you have pictures?
Carazaa · F
@BlackBloodDemon Great thanks! Did you have fun?
BlackBloodDemon · 22-25, M
@Carazaa Yea, I had fun. We spent a lot of time in Acadia seeing the cliffs and lighthouses but we also went to Freeport and Portland.
Carazaa · F
@BlackBloodDemon traveling is so fun!