Eternity · 26-30, M
The real main villian of this arch of humanity is big government and greed.
Societies need to become smaller and more naturally cohesive. Less like one big rigid machine and more like a mosaic.
Its going to take suffering and a destruction of the current world order to bring that about though. We may not survive the process.
Societies need to become smaller and more naturally cohesive. Less like one big rigid machine and more like a mosaic.
Its going to take suffering and a destruction of the current world order to bring that about though. We may not survive the process.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@Eternity This. We were never designed to function outside of "villages" and smaller groups of people. Big government, and forcing people into a larger collective is a problem. A cohesive "tribe" is a hell of a lot better than a collective machine.
helenS · 36-40, F
Oh yes, let's make sure the whole world will become a paradise, like Iran or China or Russia. Or maybe North Korea is even more appealing to you?
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ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
China is not white.....
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@TheArbitrator You consider Pelosi visiting Taiwan a violation of the One China policy? You seem to be justifying pure Chinese aggression against their own people.

The Chinese are within their rights
No, they are not. Try a little history lesson:
China has no "right" to the entire Indo-Pacific region and I cannot fathom why you want to tell all the non-white people in region that, oh well, you should willingly accept China's coercion ... because of what, exactly? Land grabs and annexation are immoral brute force whether undertaken by Putin, Xi , Daesh, the Taliban, the Ottomans, etc.
Moreover, if you think it is ok for China to be constantly bullying all of their neighbors (not just Taiwan) without provocation, then you are just as evil as any evil you are objecting to. You're just revealing that all you really want is to substitute one evil for another, are quite hypocritical.
That transcends the hue of anyone's skin (which is a meaningless metric anyway, as all humans originally came from Africa); melanin levels are nothing more that a consequence of the sunlight levels at the various latitudes to which our African ancestors migrated over time. The notion of "race" is a myth.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@SW-User Basically what this clown is saying is that what Imperial Japan did leading up to the second world war was ok. He also fails to see that Taiwan was formed because of a resistance to communism. Or rather the oppression of Mao. The Chinese Republic and their party fell back to Taiwan after the CCP washed over the mainland. Anyone who knows China's history knows it's incredibly complex. The Qing Dynasty was Manchu Chinese, a minority ethnicity in China that was consistently oppressed by the Ming Dynasty (Han Chinese). The current CCP is supported by former Ming Dynasty descendants, including a possible heir to the dragon throne. They were just happy to overthrow the Manchu. This current situation has ZERO to do with white people. And everything to do with China's immense and tumultuous history.
Hell, China was ahead of white people when this all started! Don't make me go back to the history of the three kingdoms era, the Mongols and the Yuan dynasty, or the Song Dynasty which were all pre white people. White people were next to nothing, and the Chinese were ahead by every measure in culture, inventions etc.
Hell, China was ahead of white people when this all started! Don't make me go back to the history of the three kingdoms era, the Mongols and the Yuan dynasty, or the Song Dynasty which were all pre white people. White people were next to nothing, and the Chinese were ahead by every measure in culture, inventions etc.

I'm sorry, which white Europeans are threatening Taiwan with invasion?
When has that ever, ever, ever happened in the last, oh, say, 10,000 years?
Your issue is not with melanin levels, but with the species as a whole. Which is why the species has never, ever been united as you are demanding. ALL humans suck.
the world should come together
When has that ever, ever, ever happened in the last, oh, say, 10,000 years?
Your issue is not with melanin levels, but with the species as a whole. Which is why the species has never, ever been united as you are demanding. ALL humans suck.