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When you don’t have much everything you do possess has more value…


Night Beats - That’s All You Got (Stripped Back version)

One of these days
And it won’t be long
It will come crashing down alone

And maybe some day
Some day when
Some days you win
Some days you lose

That’s all you’ve got
That’s all you’ve got

7 days and 7 nights
To proved our love was real
And on the 8th I jump off board
And I left behind what I could not bring
The pain and heartbreak
Was closest thing to you
The pain and the heartbreak
Couldn't sing,
To you

One of these days, and it won't be long
And I feel the waves come crashing down on me
And I wish, I wish and I pray
For the lights to guide me, Onward

That’s all you’ve got
That’s all you’ve got
That’s all you’ve got
That’s all you’ve got

I can’t help but tear up every time I hear this version (and feel this song!!) And rn I’m balling my eyes out!! I don’t know why but I don’t need to….
Some artists don't need to be paid but they want and need to be heard.
Badjujubee · 46-50, F
@SW-User Well said. Fully agree!!

You pen exceptional posts!
Badjujubee · 46-50, F
@SW-User I am so grateful that you think so. Dark night of the soul for me… literally
I have heard a tortured artist is often the most expressive and beautiful in that their torment brings forth the best of their abilities. I don’t think I can quite put myself in the same realm as an artist but I once aspired to live a life of creativity and some of the remnants of that era still remain..,
It definitely causes a hitch in the emotions . Great choice

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