NewBeginnings7790 · 41-45, F
Good song!
PassingThrough · 46-50, M
@NewBeginnings7790 agreed. This version is proof you can do a new spin on an old favorite and give it new life
NewBeginnings7790 · 41-45, F
@PassingThrough Indeed!
PassingThrough · 46-50, M
@NewBeginnings7790 I like how you think

wicked mix 💜 Journey's fun to sing along
PassingThrough · 46-50, M
@SW-User agreed…it’s slightly eerie but different enough to really hear the song in a new way

@PassingThrough yeah... haunting, but rings out like a bell
TheRealDisappearIntoSilence · 41-45
Love. Thanks for sharing!