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The Rolling Stones- Gimmie Shelter

When the Draft was enforced
Was fortunate to have not been called to serve. My brother selected to enlist, the reasoning behind his decision. If you volunteer, you get to select which branch of service you wanted to go. And from my understanding, if you get Drafted you'll be in the Army infantry and ready to fight.

Viet Nam was in full swing

This song reminded people of what was going on at the time. Such a haunting tune but relevant for the times.

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Richard65 · M
Gospel singer Mary Clayton sang the extraordinary backing vocal for this song. If you listen carefully, you can actually hear Jagger shout, "Woo!" in response to her singing as he was so impressed by her improvisation. Clayton was pregnant at the time and eventually lost the child. She suggested the effort she put into this vocal performance was likely responsible for the miscarriage.
That was so, and it’s why the men in my family enlisted rather than wait to be drafted. Only one of them, an uncle, ended up deciding to make the military his career.
eyeno · M
@bijouxbroussard God bless your family and I'm thakful for their service. 👍🏻
In my humble opinion, arguably The Best Song of All Time. Timeless, Deeply meaningful, and portending fate & doom of humankind

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