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“Alive” by Pearl Jam

“Alive” tells a story of a man who finds out his father is actually his stepfather and that his biological dad is actually dead- an event which occurred in Eddie Vedder's own life when he was a teenager. When he sings the lyric “I’m still alive” he means it as a curse. Yet when fans started to stand up and sing and give their whole body to the song he realized for them it was an achievement or an accomplishment. They were thinking of the tragedies , the hurts in their past and shouting I’m still Alive, and the curse was lifted. [media=]
Eddie and Pearl Jam were the heart and soul of the Grunge Movement, thanks for sharing this touching aspect of one of their classic songs
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Eddie Vedder has a voice that steals my soul.
AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
@Pinkstarburst oh mine too.
I appreciate your love of Pearl Jam. I think this belongs, it's often not understood or seen how shy Eddie Vedder was. He had to be convinced of his voice, and you can see from early recordings on stage, how he would close his eyes.

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