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I Absolutely Love A Nice Reggae Beat

More than enough for all the needy,but never enough for the greedy.[youtube=]

Heard this a few,a very few times before it was released.
It became a quest which took me years to actually find a copy of the "12.frustrating.
The only ones I rarely saw for sale were crazy expensive.
One day I was on FB and someone from the label mentioned they were bringing down the last box to the UK distributor-reasonably priced,right from the source. Heaps of postage and tax later it was on it's way.Ironic that I spent a bundle on this tune-which is a version of the great Jeb Loy Nichols classic:

These never fail to stir my emotions.
Maximum respect to the On-U sound crew,past present and future !
"comforting the disturbed-disturbing the comfortable"

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