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I Love Punk, Grunge, Alternative Rock, Heavy Metal, Folk Metal

Still working on going to the Slipknot concert next month here in Denmark 🖤

Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔...Denmark, the land of very beautiful women...I must get back there someday!
I hope you can find tickets and not be.....

SheDevil2vile · 26-30, F
Thanks 🤟. Yeah I’m pretty sure I’m gonna get the tickets I’m getting help from a friend @SW-User
Oneofthestormboys · 100+, M
I love edgy rock too. Always have done. My favourite bands are 3-pieces, because I love the stripped back sound.
Ah.... thinking of the bands I saw growing up....
MissBloodyMari · 36-40, T
Woohoo. They are pretty cool in concert. I saw them many years ago, but they're still good.
SheDevil2vile · 26-30, F
Yeah so I’ve heard@MissBloodyMari
Spidergrrr · 26-30, M
I hope you enjoy the concert.They seem to put on a good show
MyPathOfTotality · 46-50, M
They're one of my favorite bands 🤘

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