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crazy for you by madonna

the song really upsets me, because it reminds me of girls i knew in the past that i lost touch with, which i will never see again...and now i'm middle aged and still coping with mental problems, i'm 46 now....even though i had flings with girls i never had a steady girlfriend or an official partner...and that is the only ambition i have left as a middle aged male....but am i getting too old? is hope/opportunity slipping away?

i have lived alone for 19 years now and there's no doubt i have missed out on relationships and fun in my life....and my only support system is my elderly parents and they live far, so whenever i hear 'crazy for you by madonna' it makes me feel sentimental and how i long for love and makes me miss the interactions that i had in the past...am i being pathetic?
Yourguyinthecity · 51-55, M Best Comment
Not at all!
On a different note, my wife and I chose that song as one of our wedding songs (partly because it used to have the same affect on me).

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