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I Like Madonna

3 feel good Madonna songs ....:)



Elessar · 26-30, M
This is my favourite of her songs. I don't know why. I was little when it was released, but it sticked into my mind/memories. 🤔

@Elessar I like that too, was in a collection of Chris Cunningham videos, a trully great music video director ....:)
Elessar · 26-30, M
@SW-User I haven't seen the video until recently. Back then, I think I just loved how it sounded, the emotions it brought on; I couldn't even understand the lyrics since English isn't my primary language, and I've started studying it at an older age. It's somehow 'dark' and it still brings on a memory of a walk I've had with my Mum during one summer night, back in the past. I can't even remember why, probably I've heard it that night somewhere, I don't know.
@Elessar Thank you for sharing, it is kinda unique for her, usually a dark vibe came with a risque message, but with Frozen it was more sophisticated :)
Cierzo · M
You like Madonna? 😲
Yeah, isn't she awesome? ^_^
Cierzo · M
@SW-User 😫😫

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