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I Write Song Lyrics, Poetry, and Short Stories

I am so odd sometimes.
It gets inside my mind

You're un-flawed,
Yet you're not perfect.
You're a coward,
Yet you're brave
You're depressed,
Yet only for a couple days.
You're so happy,
Yet it's alright not be "Okay"
You can't sleep,
Cause thoughts seems to drown your mind.
But when you sleep,
You sleep a deep sleep,
Sounds in your mind fade away into a blank slate..
The darkest hour in your head fades away,
You're mind says, "Everything'll be okay.. Nothing like this will last, and it'll pass. It's just the past. I know it's hard, but you can get through all this shit... You can do it."
Your mind drifts off in the clouds,
As you start to dream out loud.

That is me at night,
With my thought a light.
lovingdead · 31-35, M
Very nice write, flowed well
Ember5 · 22-25, F
@lovingdead Thank you :) I don't really try though... I just write down what thought comes and make it work lol
lovingdead · 31-35, M
@Ember5 well, it works well, the free flowing type always has a special feeling to it
Ember5 · 22-25, F
@lovingdead haha, thank you :) you're very kind

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